
Deutsche Telekom names Peter Schmidt Group as design agency

The Peter Schmidt Group is adding a prestigious name to its client roster: Deutsche Telekom has selected the agency to lead its branding and design efforts moving forward. “Deutsche Telekom is regarded as the world’s most valuable telecommunications brand. To help shape its future and elevate it to the next level is an extraordinary task,” says Lukas Cottrell, Managing Partner at the Peter Schmidt Group. “Throughout the pitch, we found the client team to be both open-minded and ambitious — and we’re truly grateful for the trust they’ve placed in us.”

Felix Damerius, Executive Creative Director at the agency, adds: “Deutsche Telekom is one of the most iconic brands of our time — and that’s thanks in large part to the strong branding work done in recent years. The brand’s flexibility today puts Telekom in pole position to lead the way into a new era of communication.”

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, with more than 261 million mobile customers, 25 million fixed-network lines, and 22 million broadband customers.

Über die Peter Schmidt Group GmbH

Peter Schmidt Group is one of Europe’s most successful branding and design agencies and part of TEAMBBDO The Marketing Group Germany. With offices in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Munich, Lisbon and Tokyo, the agency guides brands along the pathways of change: under the motto "Amplified Imagination. With character, craft an curiosity." the Peter Schmidt Group combines technological expertise with design excellence for clients such as Mercedes-Benz, E.ON, Henkel, Linde and Deutsche Bank. With its independent unit "PSG Imagine", it offers companies solutions in the areas of brand innovation, digital experience and service design.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Peter Schmidt Group GmbH
ABC-Straße 47
20354 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 4418040
Telefax: +49 (40) 44180470

Guido Schröpel
Marketing & Communication Manager
Telefon: +49-69-850993-36
E-Mail: guido.schroepel@peter-schmidt-group.de
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