Forschung und Entwicklung

HOFFMANN MINERAL presents sustainable fillers for paints & coatings at ECS 2025 in Nuremberg

HOFFMANN MINERAL showcases its innovative products Sillitin and Aktisil at this year’s European Coatings Show. These fillers, derived from Neuburg Siliceous Earth, offer high purity and excellent dispersibility, making them an ideal choice for the paint and coatings industry.

With Aktisil, specifically developed for paints and coatings and an advancement of the natural material Sillitin, HOFFMANN MINERAL enables targeted control of the matting level as well as improved stability and durability of coatings. These properties make the fillers particularly suitable for applications such as corrosion protection coatings and washable interior dispersion paints. Aktisil MAM stands out as the optimal solution for the latter.

Visitors to ECS are cordially invited to witness the effectiveness of the products in washable interior dispersion paints during a live demonstration at the trade fair booth. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to meet the Manager for Sustainability, Mr. Sergey Golovachev. He will be pleased to answer your questions about our sustainable practices and products.

Furthermore, HOFFMANN MINERAL offers a piece of Bavarian tradition: "We spoil our guests with a selection of Bavarian delicacies and refreshing draft beer – a tribute to the Bavarian roots of our siliceous earth. We invite you to dive into the world of high-quality fillers while simultaneously enjoying Bavarian hospitality."

Visit HOFFMANN MINERAL at ECS, Hall 3A, Booth 332 and experience a trade fair highlight of a special kind.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Münchener Str. 75
86633 Neuburg
Telefon: +49 (8431) 530
Telefax: +49 (8431) 53330

Nina Seitle
Marketing Assistentin
Telefon: +49 (8431) 53291
Fax: +49 (8431) 53330
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