
iTSM Group honored with prestigious 2025 ServiceNow® Reseller Partner of the Year Award

iTSM Group today announced it has received a prestigious 2025 ServiceNow Partner of the Year Award, recognizing its outstanding achievements and contributions to the ServiceNow ecosystem. The company was honored with the Reseller Partner of the Year Award, which celebrates the outstanding work of partners who are driving innovation and delivering exceptional value to customers.

The iTSM Group’s global ServiceNow practice consists of highly qualified and dedicated consultants, spread across specialized solution domains, creating and maintaining consulting methodologies, implementation packages and project approaches. With this flexible yet focused organizational setup, we achieve outstanding results yielding real business benefits, creating value and revolutionizing IT- and business process execution, helping our customers thrive in the competitive market space and delivering excellent services to their consumers. Our digital banking solutions are only one of the examples making service consumer interactions more attractive, engaging and lightning fast.

"With exceptional sales performance and a strong customer focus, iTSM Group has earned the title of Reseller Partner of the Year in EMEA. As trusted digital transformation advisors, their deep understanding of customer needs, workflows, and technology landscapes has enabled them to effectively connect ServiceNow products and services with the right customers, driving significant growth and contributing to remarkable business outcomes," said Ira Simon, Sr. Director of Partner Programs & Strategy, ServiceNow.

“We are honored to receive this recognition from ServiceNow and look forward to continuing our work together to help customers achieve their digital transformation goals,” highlights Siegfried Riedel, CEO at iTSM Group. ”I would like to thank all employees, whose persistent efforts made achieving this award possible.”

The ServiceNow 2025 Partner Awards recognize partners across various categories, geographies and scales. The awards are based on a rigorous evaluation process that considers factors such as customer satisfaction, innovation, and business impact. 

Über iTSM Group

The iTSM Group consists of the parent company iTSM Consulting GmbH, founded in 2000, as well as several subsidiaries and affiliated companies. The core business relates to digital transformation in enterprise service management. All iTSM Group companies support their customers in mastering digital services holistically – from needs analysis, strategy and implementation to ongoing operation. iTSM Consulting GmbH is headquartered in Bodenheim near Frankfurt am Main. The group of companies currently employs more than 200 people and supports around 850 customers from business and public administration. “iTSM” stands for Inspiring & Tailored Service Mastery.


ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

iTSM Group
Uwe-Zeidler-Ring 12
55294 Bodenheim
Telefon: +49 (6135) 9334-0
Telefax: +49 (6135) 9334-22

Sina Metzger
Senior PR & Communications Manager
Telefon: 06135933426
E-Mail: sina.metzger@itsmgroup.com
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