
Lantech’s Parcel Pack system simplifies parcel logistics.


Hall: 1 / Stand number: B72

The packaging solution developed by Lantech, the fully automated Parcel Pack system, produces trays in letterbox format. E-commerce retailers and fulfilment service providers benefit from this efficient parcel logistics system.

The TE Parcel Tray Erector machine and the LA Parcel lid applicator machine produce up to 1,000 perfectly rectangular corrugated cardboard letterbox packages per hour. These compact systems are easy to integrate into the shipping departments of e-commerce or fulfilment services.

Small footprint
The small footprint TE Parcel Tray Erector and LA Parcel Lid Applicator are designed for efficient space saving and ease of use. With its fully enclosed design, the combination maximizes security and minimises exposure to external elements. The ergonomically designed tray magazine makes tray replenishment and handling easy.

1,000 trays per hour
With an impressive speed of 1,000 trays and lids per hour, these machines offer fast and reliable production performance. It’s simple and precise adjustments make it possible to quickly achieve the desired settings, increasing productivity and reducing the risk of errors. In addition, its unique design allows tray sizes to be changed in just 5 to 7 easy steps. This makes it easy to adapt to different production needs.

With the TE Parcel and LA Parcel, Lantech says companies can optimise their production processes while meeting the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Both machines are also available separately.

Features Parcel machines

• Sturdy, letter-sized packaging saves on shipping costs
• The cushioning effect of corrugated protects against product damage
• No padding required inside the parcel
• Small size optimises truck loading
• Reduces CO2 emissions
• Does not require the recipient to be present for delivery

Case Erector C1000
The C1000 case erector will also be present in Hall 1, Stand B72 for live demonstrations. The C-1000 Case Erector produces up to 30 cases per minute with flexible dimensions between 200 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm and 500 mm x 325 mm x 520 mm. The case erector makes 90-degree angles regardless of the nature of the corrugated board, changing temperatures or humidity and varying plano sizes. Users are assured of rectangular shipping boxes that are ideal for the logistics chain and offer maximum stability. Depending on customer preference, the bottom of the box is sealed with Hotmelt or tape. www,Lantech.com

Über Lantech

Packaging machinery manufacturer Lantech is a global leader in Stretch wrapping machines and robust, efficient case and tray handling machines. The family-owned company, founded in 1972, designs, builds and services packaging machines, conveyor modules and other complementary systems. Machines are built in the Netherlands (Malden) and the USA (Louisville KY) with additional offices in Australia and China. The European office in Malden (the Netherlands) designs and assembles case and tray handling machines. With more than 200 employees and a strong network of partners, sales and service within Europe are organised from there. www.lantech.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Sluisweg 20
NL6581 KA Malden
Telefon: +31 (24) 7997128

Susanne Scheepers
Telefon: +31 (24) 799971-28
E-Mail: susannes@lantech.com
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