
Leadership Change at iTernity: Continuity and Innovation Under New Management

iTernity GmbH, a leading provider of software solutions for future-proof and compliant data archiving and storage, announces a change in its executive management. After more than 10 years at the helm, Ralf Steinemann is handing over leadership to Armin Weißer, who has been part of the company’s management team since 2016.

After more than 20 successful years on the market, iTernity is writing the next chapter in its corporate history. Ralf Steinemann, who has been a member of the iTernity GmbH management team since 2008 and Managing Director since 2014, has shaped the strategic direction of the company for more than a decade and developed iTernity into a leading international provider of future-proof data archiving and storage.

“I am proud of what we have achieved and am convinced that Armin Weißer, as the new Managing Director, will consistently continue the successful course we have embarked on,” says Ralf Steinemann, who will retain operational responsibility for sales until the middle of the year and will then continue to support iTernity as a strategic advisor.

Focus on Added Value for Customers and Partners

Armin Weißer, who has been part of iTernity’s management team since 2016, takes on the role of CEO with a clear vision for the future of the company.

As Director Software Development, he was largely responsible for developing the Scale-out Storage Platform iCAS FS and advancing the Archive Middleware iCAS. With over 20 years of experience in the IT industry and a deep understanding of the requirements and challenges of modern archiving and data storage, he brings the ideal combination of specialist knowledge and strategic foresight.

“I am looking forward to working with our team to further enhance the high standards our customers expect from us and to lead them successfully into the future,” says Armin Weißer. “Our goal is to continue to inspire companies, healthcare facilities and public administrations with future-proof solutions for software-defined data archiving and storage, while at the same time setting new standards,” emphasizes Armin Weißer.

Innovation and Sustainable Growth

With a strong team and innovative solutions, iTernity aims to further expand its market position in the coming years. The software-defined solutions iCAS and iCAS FS stand for flexibility, security and future reliability, enabling companies to store and archive business-critical data efficiently and in compliance with regulations. iTernity’s solutions can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud or hybrid and can be offered as a managed service on request.

“Close cooperation with our customers and partners remains our top priority. Together, we aim to successfully master the challenges of an increasingly digital world. I look forward to continuing iTernity’s success story,” says Armin Weißer.

Über die iTernity GmbH

iTernity develops solutions for the long-term availability and integrity of business-critical data. In 2004, the company – headquartered in Freiburg, Germany – specialized in software-defined archiving. Today, iTernity is a leading provider of archiving, backup storage, and cost-efficient long-term retention.

Customers rely on iTernity to address their critical IT challenges, such as data growth, compliance with strict regulations, privacy, protection against cyber-attacks, cost pressure and lack of IT resources. iTernity helps companies meet compliance requirements and secures all kinds of data in a future-proof, efficient and scalable way – and all of this in and from Germany.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

iTernity GmbH
Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 21
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 590 34 810

Michaela Becherer
Marketing Manager
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