
LS telcom AG Signs Long-Term Agreement with Schiphol Amsterdam Airport for Spectrum Management Services

LS telcom, a global leader in spectrum management solutions, has signed a long-term agreement with Schiphol Nederland B.V. (SNBV). The contract, which has a duration of seven years with an optional one-year extension, provides Schiphol with a state-of-theart and future-proof solution for managing the radio spectrum at the airport.

The partnership between LS telcom and Schiphol has been in place since 2017 and has proven to be successful and sustainable. Over the course of this collaboration, an efficient and secure spectrum management infrastructure has been established and will now be further optimized.

Under the new agreement, LS telcom will implement the latest version of the mySPECTRA system to enhance the efficiency and security of spectrum management.

This platform offers improved user-friendliness, integrated and automated workflows, as well as advanced reporting and analytical features. The system migration to Schiphol’s internal cloud infrastructure will take place gradually, ensuring a seamless transition without operational disruptions.

Key Aspects of the Collaboration:

Comprehensive Spectrum Management: Provision of an innovative software solution for airport frequency management.
Licensing Process: LS telcom will manage the entire application process for radio frequencies and collaborate with Schiphol to streamline approval processes.
Future-Proof Technology: Implementation of the mySPECTRA platform to enhance operational efficiency.
Regular Measurements and Interference Analysis: Continuous monitoring and measurements to ensure interference-free radio operations.
Long-Term Partnership: The contract provides Schiphol with a reliable foundation for sustainable optimization of frequency utilization.

Willem Blom from Schiphol Nederland B.V. states: “LS telcom has proven to be a reliable partner, offering innovative solutions that cater to our specific requirements. Over the past seven years, we have achieved numerous milestones together to provide our customers at the airport with excellent, highly reliable, interference-free, and secure radio services.

Our goal is to further strengthen this collaboration and ensure sustainable excellence in service delivery.”

Roland Götz, Chief Operating Officer of LS telcom, added: “We are delighted to continue our longstanding partnership with Schiphol and to set a new benchmark in spectrum management at airports through our services and the gradual implementation of mySPECTRA. This agreement ensures that Schiphol Airport can continue to rely on an efficient, secure, and modernized radio frequency management system, thereby laying the foundation for the continuous provision of highly available, interference-free radio services.”

This agreement represents a major step toward ensuring Schiphol Airport remains at the forefront of modern spectrum management, guaranteeing seamless and interference-free communication well into the future.

Über die LS telcom AG

LS telcom is a leading global provider of technologies and consulting services for the efficient use of radio frequencies. Our focus is on optimizing spectrum management and usage to ensure interference-free, reliable, and secure radio services in all markets.

Our portfolio includes consulting and measurement services as well as integrated solutions for the planning, analysis, monitoring, and management of radio infrastructures.

Our customers in over 100 countries include regulatory authorities, mobile, fixed and broadcasting network operators, ministries, public authorities, and security organizations as well as companies from the traffic, transport, utilities, and industrial sectors.

With subsidiaries and branches in Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada, South Africa, Hungary, India, Lebanon, the USA and the United Arab Emirates as well as representative offices in Argentina and Oman, we have a global presence. The headquarters of LS telcom AG are in Lichtenau, Baden, Germany. LS telcom AG has been listed on the German Stock Exchange under ISIN DE 0005754402 since 2001. For further information please visit [url=][/url].

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

LS telcom AG
Im Gewerbegebiet 31-33
77839 Lichtenau
Telefon: +49 (7227) 9535-600
Telefax: +49 (7227) 9535-605

Harriet Arneodo
Marketing & Communications
Telefon: +49 (0)7227 9535 297
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