
Management changes at hte

After 25 successful years at hte, including 12 years as CEO, Wolfram Stichert will pass the leadership of the company to Markus Bold. The official handover will take place on April 1, 2025. Wolfram Stichert is part of the founding team of hte and was CFO from 2003 to 2012, and CEO since 2013. He is also closely associated with DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, where he has been treasurer since 2019 and chairman since this year. In the future, he will take on a new role as Senior Vice President in corporate research at BASF SE.

"It has been an incredible journey to be part of hte’s success and to accompany the organisation from its founding to its current market leadership. I am proud of what we have achieved together and look forward to my new challenge at BASF SE. I am confident that Markus Bold, with his experience and commitment, will lead hte into a successful future. I wish him and the entire team all the best," says Wolfram Stichert.

Markus Bold brings extensive experience to the position of CEO at hte. With a PhD in chemistry and expertise in research, controlling, strategy, innovation management, and business development, he has worked in numerous areas of the chemical industry. As the founder and managing director of Chemovator, the business incubator of BASF, he has successfully invested in start-ups and supported their further development.

"It is a great honor to succeed Wolfram Stichert as CEO. hte has earned an excellent reputation through its innovative solutions and outstanding team. I look forward to continuing the success story together with the team and providing our customers with first-class support in their research and development projects. Together, we will further strengthen hte’s innovative power," says Markus Bold.

hte thanks Wolfram Stichert for his exceptional dedication and leadership and wishes him all the best for his future tasks at BASF SE. hte remains committed to its mission of accelerating its customers’ innovations with R&D workflows. With Markus Bold as the new leader the company looks forward to a future full of innovation and success.

Über die hte GmbH

Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, hte develops innovative R&D workflows on a laboratory scale. These workflows include reactor systems, precise analytics, software solutions, and in-depth application expertise. With our more than 400 employees and our expertise, we are able to scale down commercial processes to laboratory scale and quickly achieve results with high data quality and commercial relevance to help our customers achieve their sustainability goals. For more information, please visit our website at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

hte GmbH
Kurpfalzring 104
69123 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 7497-0
Telefax: +49 (6221) 7497-137

Jacqueline Stalica
Marketing Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 6221 7497 290
Fax: +49 6221 7497 134
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