
On the safe side in extreme heat

In some industries, extreme heat of several hundred degrees can occur. Even under these extreme conditions, a safe and reliable power supply is required and, accordingly, cables and wires that can withstand the extreme temperatures. With the new ÖLFLEX® HEAT 700 SC, LAPP is launching a cable on the market that can withstand temperatures of up to 700° Celsius.

Where "normal" temperatures prevail, "normal" cables, for example with a PVC sheath, are also sufficient. They are generally designed for maximum temperatures of around 70 to 90° Celsius and are therefore suitable for use in industrial plants or factories with more normal temperatures. However, wherever temperatures permanently exceed the 100° Celsius mark, heat-resistant cables are required. LAPP, the global market leader for connection solutions and branded products in the field of cable and connection technology, has an entire portfolio of heat-resistant cables. The company is bringing the new ÖLFLEX® HEAT 700 SC to Hannover Messe 2025 (Hall 11, Stand C15) for the first time. It can withstand a permanent temperature load of up to 700° Celsius.

Sophisticated design for optimum protection

The cable owes its heat resistance to its structure and perfectly harmonised materials. While the strands of its predecessor were made of pure nickel, LAPP uses nickel-plated copper conductors for the new single-core cable. The insulation of the cable consists of a multiple glass fibre covering and a glass fibre braid. "We have optimised the structure over the last few years," explains Product Manager Felix Graner. "The interplay of both factors, i.e. the strands and the insulation, makes the temperature peak shift possible." Compared to a pure nickel conductor, the fine-stranded, nickel-plated copper conductor also achieves better electrical conductivity, higher dielectric strength and also allows smaller conductor cross-sections to be selected than with its predecessor. The halogen-free and flame-retardant material composition reduces the risk of fire propagation in the event of a fire.

Single-core cables are used wherever energy and temperatures are particularly high and fixed installation and wiring is required. For example, in foundries, heating modules or electric cookers as well as in smelting works and steelworks, but also in the chemical industry or in machine and equipment construction. The new product is designed for a voltage of 300/500 volts.

Über die U.I. Lapp GmbH

LAPP, based in Stuttgart, is one of the leading providers of integrated solutions and branded products in the field of cable and connection technology. The company’s portfolio includes cables and highly flexible wires, industrial connectors and gland technology, customised assembly solutions, automation technology and robotics solutions for the intelligent factory of tomorrow, as well as technical accessories. LAPP’s core market is mechanical and plant engineering. Other important sales markets are the food industry, logistics, the energy sector and mobility.

The company was founded in 1959 and is still entirely family-owned today. In the 2024 financial year, it generated a consolidated turnover of 1.82 billion euros. LAPP employs around 5,700 people worldwide, manufactures at 26 international locations and is active in over 80 countries worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

U.I. Lapp GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 25
70565 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 7838-01
Telefax: +49 (711) 78382640

Friederike Schmidt
Press Communications
Telefon: +49 711 78382445
E-Mail: Friederike.Schmidt@lapp.com
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