
Online Print Symposium features a unique speaker line-up

The Online Print Symposium 2025 is entering the homestretch: Just under four weeks to go until the top decision-makers from the international online print industry will meet at the 12th OPS at the Science Congress Center Munich under the motto “Customer Centricity = Mass Customization + Artificial Intelligence”. Now the organizers have announced further speakers. And the start-ups for the insight pitches have also been confirmed.

Unprecedented speaker line-up

With Dr. Michael Fries and Annegret Bönemann, two additional renowned experts have been confirmed for the twelfth annual Online Print Symposium. Both will provide valuable insights into the future of online print and show how companies can find the right strategy against the backdrop of economic challenges and technological developments in order to survive successfully in a volatile market.

Mass customization and AI: Here lies the future of online print

This year’s Online Print Symposium will be opened by Dr. Michael Fries. As Executive Vice President for Europe and Global Manufacturing at VistaPrint, he has been working in the international online print industry for more than 20 years and was previously CEO of Onlineprinters and a member of the Board of Management of CEWE. With these many years of experience, he knows the mechanisms of the market like no other.

In his opening keynote at the OPS, Fries will talk about how mass customization and artificial intelligence in particular are becoming key growth drivers for the print industry. In view of increasing customer requirements, disruptive technologies and changing markets, he will show which strategic decisions are necessary to not only survive in this dynamic environment, but to grow sustainably.

Customer centricity as the key to success

Annegret Bönemann will be another expert on the OPS stage. As Head of CX Practice at foryouandyourcustomers, she supports companies in the DACH region and the Netherlands in consistently aligning their digital products and services with the needs of their customers. Her career began in the print and media industry, where she developed innovative business models early on – an experience that is at the core of her work today.

In her OPS presentation, she will show how customer centricity is not just a buzzword, but can be used as a fundamental strategy for sustainable corporate growth. Especially at a time when artificial intelligence and automation are advancing rapidly, it is crucial to focus on people and their needs – a topic that fits in perfectly with this year’s OPS motto.

Co-organizer Bernd Zipper explains why the OPS motto is by no means just a trend: “Tomorrow’s leading companies will not rely exclusively on artificial intelligence, but on excellent customer centricity with the help of AI. Those who combine mass customization with intelligent data analysis create unique, personalized customer experiences that are efficient, scalable and economical. It is precisely this combination of individualization and automation that will become the decisive success factor in the online print industry.”

As with every year, the Online Print Symposium 2025 sets new standards and shows how companies can actively shape the future of online print. All keynote speakers and speakers already announced can be found on the OPS website: Program – Online Print Symposium 2025.

Fresh ideas, great opportunities – the Insight Pitches at OPS 2025!

The Insight Pitches of the Online Print Symposium 2025 promise to be a real highlight again this year. The application process is closed, and on 3 April, seven innovative start-ups will be ready to present their business models to the most influential decision-makers in the online print world. With just 10 minutes per pitch, the newcomers will showcase the ideas with which they want to revolutionize the industry – a unique opportunity for inspiration, new ideas and potential collaborations.

Jens Meyer, co-organizer of the OPS, explains the great opportunities the Insight Pitches offer start-ups: “The promotion of innovative minds and new business ideas is at the heart of our start-up pitches. Every year we proudly present a variety of new solutions and give young companies the opportunity to prove themselves in front of a first-class, international audience. Some of our startups have experienced their breakthrough here at the OPS. An impressive example of this is Johannes Kautz from Hoodie Hoo, who has turned a small company into an international player in the field of clothing mass customization in a very short space of time. With our special closing session on the first day of the congress, we are proving just how great the potential of our platform is for aspiring entrepreneurs.”

If you want to be the first to find out which start-ups have won the coveted pitch slots, you should subscribe to the OPS social media channels – this is where the participants are exclusively announced first!

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Online Print Symposium (@online.print.symposium) 
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Meeting place for the industry: two exclusive networking events at OPS 2025

The Online Print Symposium is not just about groundbreaking presentations and innovations – networking is also the focus. With two exclusive events, the OPS offers the opportunity to make valuable contacts.

On 2 April, the OPS will kick off with the Insider Get-together – the perfect start for initial discussions in a relaxed atmosphere. Attendees, speakers and start-ups will have the chance to get to know each other and get in the mood for two exciting days together.

The networking dinner on 3 April offers the opportunity to deepen conversations from the previous evening and make new business contacts. The OPS offers an exclusive meeting place for industry insiders, decision-makers and innovators to exchange ideas and forge partnerships. At what other time do you get a chance to meet the most important players in the online print industry in one place and sit together at one table for dinner?

If you don’t want to miss the Online Print Symposium 2025, secure your ticket today and experience the most important event in the online print world live: Tickets & Prices – Online Print Symposium 2025.

The organisers

zipcon consulting GmbH is a global consulting company for the communications, print and media industry with a focus on online print and digital transformation. The company sees itself as an independent and comprehensive technology and strategy consultant. zipcon also produces market studies and various case studies for e-business print, mass customization and multichannel publishing. Leading companies in the online print industry rely on the expertise of this company. www.zipcon.de

The Bundesverband Druck und Medien e. V. (bvdm) is the umbrella organization of the German printing industry. As an employers‘ association, political trade association and technical trade association, it represents the positions and objectives of the printing industry vis-à-vis politicians, administration, trade unions and the supplier industry. The bvdm is supported by eight regional associations. Internationally, it is organized through its membership of Intergraf and FESPA. The printing industry currently comprises around 6,500 predominantly small and medium-sized companies with more than 100,000 employees subject to social insurance contributions. www.bvdm-online.de

Über die Online Print Symposium c/o zipcon consulting GmbH

The Online Print Symposium is an annual event for the online print industry. Since 2013, the organisers zipcon consulting GmbH from Essen and the Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. (bvdm) from Berlin have offered the symposium in Munich. With around 300 international visitors, a partner exhibition, the "Insight Pitches", evening events and two days of top-class presentations, the Online Print Symposium (OPS) has become the most important event in the industry. On 3 and 4 April 2025, the OPS will take place for the 12th time in Munich under the motto "Customer Centricity = Mass Customisation + Artificial Intelligence".

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Online Print Symposium c/o zipcon consulting GmbH
Am Buchenhain 4
45239 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 81175-0

Celicia Clarke
E-Mail: cc@zipcon.de
Jens Meyer
Telefon: 089 – 330 36 210
E-Mail: j.meyer@vdm-beratung.de
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