
PSI Presents First AI Platform Directly Integrated into Warehouse Management System at LogiMAT 2025

PSI will be presenting at LogiMAT in Stuttgart from March 11 to 13, 2025 how logistics processes can be improved with the PSIwms AI platform. Visitors will have the opportunity to test the potential in a showcase at booth D41 in hall 4, using data from their own warehouse environment.

PSIwms AI is the first platform based on Artificial Intelligence that is directly connected to the warehouse management system. The solution, initially available for PSIwms customers, analyzes and optimizes WMS supported logistics processes using a digital twin. Thanks to the direct connection, changes in the physical warehouse are automatically transferred to the digital twin in real time and taken into account in the analysis.

First presented as a concept at LogiMAT 2024, PSI has extensively developed its AI solution to product maturity over the course of a year, such including the integration of a new visualization function for simulating picking routes. At the showcase at the LogiMAT 2025, interested parties can enter criteria for their own warehouse and order structure and view the results of the AI-generated picking lists and routes live. They immediately receive a comparison of conventional routes and those simulated with PSIwms AI. The calculated time for the respective picking routes is also displayed, along with the percentage of time saved by using the AI solution.

The first user is LPP S.A., a leading Polish fashion group that aimed to make its logistics processes more efficient due to a large increase in online orders. With the use of PSIwms AI, picking distances were reduced by more than 30 percent. After the first project in the distribution center in Pruszcz Gdański, LPP is now successfully implementing the solution in three other logistics centers. This practice test has enabled PSI This practice test has enabled PSI to further develop the platform significantly.






Über PSI Software SE – Business Unit Logistics

The PSI Group develops software products for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities and industry. As an independent software producer with more than 2,300 employees, PSI has been a technology leader since 1969 for process control systems that ensure sustainable energy supply, mobility and production by combining AI methods with industrially proven optimization methods. The innovative industry products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud. www.psi.de/en

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

PSI Software SE – Business Unit Logistics
Dircksenstraße 42-44
10178 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 2801-2850

Bozana Matejcek
Corporate Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (30) 2801-2762
E-Mail: bmatejcek@psi.de
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