
PYTHIA App Suite: Comprehensive Sanctions List Screening for Increased Legal Security

classix Software GmbH, a provider of innovative software solutions, presents PYTHIA for automated sanctions list screening. With PYTHIA, companies protect their business activities from costly violations of embargo regulations. The solution enables a fast and reliable check of all business contacts against the sanctions lists of the EU, USA and other countries.

PYTHIA offers legal security through a strict, process-supported review of all business contacts as well as an ongoing update service and support for all relevant check lists. Comprehensive logging ensures traceability of compliance with sanctions guidelines. Any person or company can be checked immediately and/or added to a blacklist or whitelist.

The software can be seamlessly integrated into existing business processes, avoiding media breaks through the use of data records from partner data management or order processing systems. The intuitive operation guides the user step-by-step through the functions of the sanctions monitor.

"With PYTHIA, we provide companies with a tool that enables them to carry out compliance screening efficiently and reliably," says Christine Garbers, Sales Manager at "Automated sanctions list screening minimizes the risk of embargo violations and helps companies to conduct their business in a legally secure and efficient manner."

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Über die ClassiX Software GmbH

The Hamburg-based company classix Software GmbH and its products are aimed at decision-makers, users, and developers. We help to build holistic, digital models of companies.

For, it is no longer just a matter of developing functionality for functionality. classix asks the question of commonality to develop apps more efficiently.

Data should be better understood to make AI and natural language processing usable for companies.
The result of classix’s research and development is a powerful and flexible CyberEnterprise® business OS. This means that IT can be used more quickly.

classix – a class of its own.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22081 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 5305429-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 5305429-11

Christine Garbers
Telefon: +4940530542942
Sascha Stein
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +4940530542944
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