Finanzen / Bilanzen

The mining community meets at the PDAC

The annual convention of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) will take place this year from March 2 to 5.

The world is increasingly dominated by geopolitical uncertainties, just think of the dispute between Trump and Selensky the other day. The mining industry is becoming increasingly important worldwide. Raw materials, whether gold and silver or raw materials for the green revolution and the future, are becoming increasingly important. Around 27,000 people from more than 135 countries are expected to attend the PDAC. One of the important topics is the often difficult procurement of capital by mining companies. And a strong mineral industry is one of the foundations for economic strength.

The mining industry not only provides the necessary raw materials, but also creates jobs. The quality of domestic supply chains is also an important factor in this. Canada is a good example of how supply chains for minerals such as nickel, potash and uranium work and are good for the economy and also for the sustainable future of a country. The challenges facing the mining industry, which are also the focus of PDAC, include securing capital, partnerships with indigenous peoples and responsible mineral exploration. Exploration and development companies present themselves at the PDAC and there are presentations by well-known personalities, for example on artificial intelligence in mineral exploration.

The world’s leading and up-and-coming mining companies will once again present themselves at PDAC and showcase their business development to the public. Two examples:

Canada Nickel Company – is located in Canada with its Crawford nickel-cobalt sulphide project. It is one of the largest in the world and is located in Ontario, Canada.

IsoEnergy – has high-grade uranium deposits in Saskatchewan (Athabasca Basin) as well as in Australia, Argentina and the USA. Some of the company’s mines can be put into operation at short notice.

Current company information and press releases from IsoEnergy (- -) and Canada Nickel Company (- -)

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