Luft- / Raumfahrt

Impact of next-generation satellite technologies next hot topic at Rohde & Schwarz Satellite Industry Days

After the successful parts 1 and 2 of the Rohde & Schwarz Satellite Industry Day series, part 3 will take place on December 13, 2022 at 15:00 CET. The virtual session includes a panel of industry experts focused on the impact of next-generation satellite technologies. Participants can meet in virtual reality with industry partners and leading experts at the event.

Technological advances in the satellite industry have enabled high to very-high throughput satellites in GEO, MEO and LEO orbits. Satellite capacity has been tremendously and costs reduced. Higher frequency bands — Q/V band and higher — will provide more bandwidth. Software-defined payloads enable upgrading and the adding of new functions even when the satellite is in orbit for greater flexibility in serving customer needs.

Technological innovations create new opportunities and bring new technical challenges. Experts from Rohde & Schwarz, WORK Microwave, Calian, EUTELSAT and Airbus Defence and Space will be on the stage.

Jörg Rockstroh, Director Business Development at WORK Microwave, presents insights into digital ground segment infrastructures for satcom and spacecom, helping system integrators and operators understand how to best migrate from an analog to digital teleporting infrastructure.

Peter Waskowic is Calian Director for satellite communications products. He speaks about the evolution of satellite in-orbit testing in response to flexible high-throughput digital payloads.

Andreas Voigt works for service operations in EUTELSAT’s video business unit as senior engineer. He will outline EUTELSAT’s QUANTUM satellite and its benefits for EUTELSAT’s customers.

Glyn Thomas is responsible for overall payload strategy at Airbus Defence and Space. His presentation looks at the role of GEO, LEO and MEO systems in 5G and 6G networks, detailing the Airbus view of a fully interconnected “space wide web”.

Günter Pfeifer, Product Manager OTA systems and chambers will give another presentation on phased array antennas as a key technology for increased agility across orbits and frequency bands.  

A panel discussion with all experts and live Q&A moderated by Thomas Wrede, Founder and Managing Director of Technology Vision Consulting UG will round off the day.

Registration for the free event and further information on the Satellite Industry Day Series 2022 is available at:

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The Rohde & Schwarz technology group is among the trailblazers when it comes to paving the way for a safer and connected world with its leading solutions in test & measurement, technology systems, and networks & cybersecurity. Founded nearly 90 years ago, the group is a reliable partner for industry and government customers around the globe. On June 30, 2022, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,000 employees worldwide. The independent group achieved a net revenue of EUR 2.53 billion in the 2021/2022 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

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