Exhibition breaks all records in 2023
Further, higher, faster: Perimeter Protection has followed a continuous pattern of growth since its launch in 2010. Whereas it began with 45 exhibitors in its first year, it has now achieved a record with two months still to go before the 2023 exhibition starts: “One hundred and eighty exhibiting companies clearly show how pleased everyone is to renew contact again after a three-year break,” says Hanna Schneider, Manager Perimeter Protection. “We are genuinely overwhelmed – after last year’s exhibition had to be postponed, more companies than ever have registered this time. The entire PP team is very happy to be able to hold the event again at last.” The event had to be deferred for a year because of the pandemic, and will be held at two-year intervals starting next year.
The exhibition area is also larger than ever before, at just under 7,300 square metres, with international firms accounting for about 2,900 of that total. The total exhibition area for the event is therefore almost 1,000 square metres larger than in 2020. The international exhibition area has increased by about 800 square metres. “It is clear that moving Perimeter Protection to the new Halls 1 and 2 was an important step,” observes Frank Venjakob, Director Exhibition Perimeter Protection. “These locations enable us to meet the exhibitors’ demands for plenty of space with no issues. We are particularly pleased to see 65 new exhibitors, who will make an excellent addition to the range of the exhibition with their new themes and products.” Bavarian MP Joachim Herrmann will act as patron of the exhibition, as in previous years, and will also attend for a personal tour on-site.
More professional interaction than ever
This year, the exhibitor and product platform offers an extensive overview that illustrates the range of highlights to be seen on-site. That gives both exhibitors and visitors the best opportunity to prepare in the lead-up to their participation, whether by arranging an appointment directly with the exhibitors, or by putting together and saving a visit list. The special U.T.SEC exhibition area, measuring more than 200 square metres, will impress not only with its own stand structure, but also because that is where visitors will discover all kinds of information on the technical, legal and practical opportunities available for the use of drones and other unmanned technologies, and for defence against such systems.
Information to the power of three
The latest developments, industry tips and, in particular, professional interaction are also on offer at the Nuremberg Security Conference in addition to the Exhibition itself. The all-day Conference will take place in the Brussels Room on 17 January. The programme and tickets can be found at www.nuernberger-sicherheitskonferenz.de, and may also be obtained at the venue. Tickets for the Nuremberg Security Conference include attendance at the Perimeter Protection exhibition.
The German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE) will hold its meeting at the exhibition and will discuss and vote on a new standard.
The Bavarian Chamber of Civil Engineers will once again hold its regional gathering in parallel with the exhibition in 2023. That will enable participants to make the best use of the synergies there and benefit from direct professional interaction. Communicating, discussing and conversing – face to face. Following this lengthy interval, the focus will once again be on personal contact and direct interaction within the industry.
The international trade fair for perimeter protection, fencing technology and building security takes place in Nuremberg in all odd-numbered years. Here, everything revolves around the topic of security of sensitive facilities, focused on the areas of outdoor areas and building protection. The special feature of the Perimeter Protection concept is that both mechanical protection measures such as fences, gates and barriers and electronic systems such as video surveillance, burglar alarm systems and access controls are exhibited. In cooperation with the Fachverband Metallzauntechnik e.V. (MZT)/Gütegemeinschaft Metallzauntechnik e.V. and the Verband für Sicherheitstechnik e.V. (VfS), the trade show meets the demands and needs of the security industry absolutely perfectly. The new specialist forum, which offers numerous presentations with valuable tips and experience from renowned industry experts on all three days of the trade show, is also very well received.
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