GSR solutions for high-pressure applications
Due to increasing environmental awareness among the population and the use of new technologies, customer requirements for solutions for high-pressure applications are also becoming more environmentally conscious. The demand for qualified, green valve technologies for tank systems is particularly strong. What is required are valves that help to increase the range of the tank filling. For this purpose, the enclosed hydrogen volume is increased during refuelling with the help of ever higher pressures. The stresses and strains that occur place the highest demands on the function, tightness, service life and safety of the solenoid valves used, which are subject to very frequent switching operations.
GSR Ventiltechnik has been known for decades for the highest quality in the production of high-pressure valves and, under these general conditions, has now supplemented its portfolio with a 2/2-way solenoid valve in the pressure range from 5 to 1,000 bar, which is specially designed for the future hydrogen infrastructure. Thanks to a continuously refined valve geometry and the use of specially selected and precisely matched high-quality materials, this solenoid valve perfectly meets the highest mechanical requirements of tank system manufacturers. It convinces with a long service life of more than 100,000 switching operations and thus keeps the operating and maintenance costs of the system low.
The new high-pressure valve of the 3/071-1W series perfectly rounds off the GSR hydrogen portfolio. Compared to the proven pneumatic GSR valve, the user only needs one electrical connection to operate the valve. No control air and thus no compressor need to be kept available. This means that there is no need for complex additional control air piping, which is a significant space and cost advantage.
The servo-controlled piston seat valve is available in various connection sizes and can be used for media temperatures from -40 °C to +60 °C. It can also be extended to +85 °C. An extension to +85 °C is planned. The special features of this high-pressure valve include, in addition to the design according to the Pressure Equipment Directive, certification according to ATEX. IEC-Ex certification of the coils is currently in preparation.
A matching manual shut-off valve and a non-return valve adapted to the valve are also available and thus complete the range.
Über GSR Ventiltechnik
Als international tätiger Hersteller von Ventilen und Armaturen unterstützen wir unsere Kunden und Partner seit über 50 Jahren mit Produkten und Lösungen. Rund 150 engagierte Mitarbeiter entwickeln, produzieren und vertreiben an unserem Standort in Vlotho-Exter Magnet- und druckgesteuerte Standard- sowie Sonderventile.
Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt in der raschen Entwicklung von speziellen Kundenlösungen auf allen Gebieten der Ventiltechnik. Da alle wesentlichen Komponenten auf modernsten Maschinen im eigenen Hause produziert werden, sind sowohl Einzelanfertigungen als auch größere Serien kurzfristig und in höchster Qualität machbar. Alle Geschäftsabläufe sind konform mit der DIN EN ISO 9001 und werden kontinuierlich von unserem Qualitätswesen und der technischen Entwicklung kontrolliert und verbessert.
GSR Ventiltechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Im Meisenfeld 1
32602 Vlotho
Telefon: +49 (5228) 779-0
Telefax: +49 (5228) 779-90
Marketing Manager
E-Mail: swehrhahn@ventiltechnik.de