Best inspection technology for safe, plant-based foods
The joint venture’s first plant-based products manufacturing facility, covering 11,000 square meters, is located in Singapore and was completed in the first quarter of 2022. The startup capacity is over 1,000 tons per year. The focus of the newly established company is to expand plant-based protein product manufacturing capacity in Asia to provide customers with fresh, traceable and sustainable plant-based foods.
CREMER and TEMASEK recognize the growing importance of sustainable, healthy and vegan diets to the global food ecosystem and intend to play an important role in driving these trends.
Highest Metal Detection Requirements of a World Class Production Facility must be met
As a new major company with the highest quality requirements, CREMER needs a powerful and reliable metal detection system to ensure that its production facilities meet international standards and reliably produce safe products. All in the interest of food safety.
In addition, vegetable protein has a relatively high product effect, which can only be compensated with the best detection technologies. Therefore, CREMER has very high requirements both for the quality and performance of the metal detection systems and for the competence and responsiveness of the after-sales service.
Flexibility in setting the metal detectors was also required, as CREMER has two packaging types with different sensitivity requirements:
1kg package: 2mm Ferrous, 2.5mm Non-Ferrous, 3mm Stainless Steel
10kg box: 3mm Ferrous, 3.5mm Non-Ferrous, 3.5mm Stainless Steel
End-of-line inspection as quality control of packaged products
In the food industry, product safety is a top priority. Producing safe food is a complex task and involves many challenges. One of these challenges is the detection of metallic foreign objects. Only metal detectors with the latest technology guarantee the best detection performance and thus contribute to the quality of the products.
The GLS 450/250 GO DUO metal detector from Sesotec detects the smallest particles of ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steels. Integrated into a conveyor belt, this metal detector is a reliable inspection system. Installed at the end of the production line, after packaging, it provides final inspection of all finished, packaged products and guarantees that only metal-free products reach customers.
Metal detectors from Sesotec guarantee safe food products
Ensuring food safety is THE goal in the food industry. Controls regarding hygiene and foreign objects, as well as product traceability, play a paramount role.
With the right equipment in the field of food inspection, any food manufacturer can efficiently meet all current standards and requirements for safe and sustainable food processing and reduce food safety risks.
CREMER Sustainable Foods PTE. Ltd was looking for reliable and high quality machines with hygienic design "Made in Germany" for the new world class production plant and found it at Sesotec: Best technology, best advice and best service.
"Our goal was a solution to optimize production, increase efficiency and ensure food safety. All factors that are of utmost importance in food production. Competence and reliability combined with competitive prices, we found all this at Sesotec, and even with local support," says Production Manager Han Tan Jin Yi, adding, "More projects will follow."
Sesotec Kunden aus der Lebensmittel-, Kunststoff- und Recyclingindustrie stehen vor der Herausforderung, Nachhaltigkeit und Profitabilität vereinen zu müssen. Mit intelligenten Technologien und Services zur Fremdkörperdetektion, Materialsortierung und –analyse trägt Sesotec dazu bei, ressourcenschonend und hocheffizient zu produzieren. Seit 1976 entwickelt und baut Sesotec in enger Kooperation mit Kunden in aller Welt Hightech-Systeme für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen, damit Produkte in höchster Qualität mit maximaler Wertschöpfung hergestellt und Verschwendung von Ressourcen vermieden werden können. So lohnt sich nachhaltige und hochwertige Produktion für Mensch, Umwelt und Industrie.
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