GreenDot and Synextra join forces to address the global plastic recycling challenge
- Focus on developing feedstock preparation for chemical recycling
- Leverage of synergies to offer optimized solutions for the needs of the circular economy
- Holistic solutions for recycling of plastics packaging
GreenDot and Synextra announced a strategic combination in both Italy and Europe to further expand and combine their knowledge and capabilities for the plastics recycling markets. The collaboration between GreenDot and Synextra will focus on the preparation of feedstock for chemical recycling and high quality mechanically recycled compounds.
Increased demand for circular polymers and recycled content based on new proposed EU targets
GreenDot and Synextra are merging their vision, expertise and activities in response to a rising need for recyclates from chemical recycling and for its respective feedstock. The growing demand for circular polymers and recycled content in packaging is driven by the EU’s newly proposed targets under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). The companies will combine their capacities and experiences to leverage synergies which will lead to better solutions and products for the needs of the circular economy across the EU and beyond.
In accordance with the strategic collaboration, Synextra’s shareholder represented by Pioneer Point Partners (“Pioneer”) joins the GreenDot Group. “Together with Synextra, GreenDot is looking forward to continuing closing the loop for difficult to recycle plastics packaging. Jointly, we will accelerate the development of our activities in sorting and improving quality plastics recycling at scale.” commented GreenDot Group CEO Laurent Auguste. “GreenDot is executing its development plan as planned, which includes being present and developing recycling plants in Europe’s major economies, based on a vertical integration from feedstock preparation to recycling,” continued Auguste.
“Synextra has developed expertise over the past several years in plastic waste sorting, mechanical recycling and supplying feedstock to chemical recycling plants. Synextra is currently supplying some of the largest plants under operation in Europe. Accessing and integrating this experience and expertise of Synextra within GreenDot enables both companies to accelerate the circular economy development” according to Fabio Mosca (Synextra CEO). “We are very proud to be a part of the GreenDot team and we are looking forward to the further development and growth in the circular plastics space,” continued Mosca.
Collaboration in line with major industry transformation
In line with the increased targets for recycled content in packaging, based on the proposal by the EU Commission for the PPWR, the recycling industry is facing a major transformation. GreenDot’s unique approach provides direct access to recyclables streams, through both mechanical and chemical recycling on an international scale, making the organization a major global solutions provider for the plastics circular economy. In this way the cooperation between GreenDot and Synextra is fully in line with Synextra’s own transformation which started 5 years ago and has since been driven by the company’s shareholder Pioneer.
The joint goal of GreenDot and Synextra is to provide a holistic solution for recycling the widest possible range of plastic waste, focusing on those waste streams that are not suitable for mechanical recycling. Today, this plastic waste is mostly incinerated or even sent to landfill. The strategic combination of GreenDot and Synextra will allow a wide range of solutions of mechanical and chemical recycling on an industrial scale to return plastic waste, currently lost from the value chain, back into the recycling loop. The ecological impact of plastics packaging waste is thus reduced, as recycling prevents the fossil carbons contained in plastic from being released into the environment.
Das Unternehmen Der Grüne Punkt ist als Dienstleister für die erweiterte Produzentenverantwortung, als führender Sekundärrohstofflieferant für Kunststoffe und als Premium-Produzent von Kunststoffrezyklaten der Lösungsanbieter für die Bedürfnisse der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Die Der Grüne Punkt Holding GmbH & Co. KG hat mit dem Grünen Punkt® als Markenzeichen das duale System in Deutschland mit eingeführt und aufgebaut und steht für intelligente Rücknahmesysteme sowie die Entwicklung und Vermarktung innovativer Rezyklate und Dienstleistungen. Die Systec Plastics stellt an den Standorten Eisfeld und Hörstel Premiumrezyklate der Marke Systalen® für den internationalen Markt her. Die Unternehmen der Der Grüne Punkt Holding GmbH & Co. KG gehören zur Unternehmensgruppe Green Dot Global S.à r.l.
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