Galileo signs its first corporate PPA in Italy
This PPA marks an important milestone for Galileo, which, since its establishment in 2020, has prioriAsed commercializing renewable energy to final customers by providing aXracAve soluAons for industrial partners, ensuring stable revenue streams for its projects. The transacAon highlights the growing interest and demand of energy-intensive corporaAons, across Europe, for the development of renewable energy projects.
"We are very pleased to have signed this agreement with a leading global industrial company. Selling long-term energy to a high-profile customer reflects the quality of our projects and our ability to support customers in their energy transi@on. Demand for this commercial solu@on is rapidly growing across Europe, and we are already working on similar ini@a@ves in several markets" said Paolo Grossi, Galileo’s Chief Commercial Officer.
Galileo is a pan-European renewable energy development and investment pla7orm. It was created in 2020 with the mission of making a meaningful and substan@al contribu@on to the energy transi@on in Europe, based on the industrial view that the combina@on of four key skills makes the difference in successfully addressing the new era of renewables:
compe@@ve development of projects, direct sale of green electricity to final consumers, professional energy management, and innova@ve financing solu@ons. As of today, Galileo has an ac@ve pipeline of over 10 GW of solar PV, onshore and offshore wind, and storage projects across ten European countries. Galileo is led by Ingmar Wilhelm, business developer and entrepreneur in the field of renewables and energy transi@on, supported by a management team with a long interna@onal track record, and by four ins@tu@onal investors: Infra@l Limited, the Commonwealth Superannua@on Corpora@on (CSC), the New Zealand Superannua@on Fund (NZ Super Fund), and Morrison & Co Growth Infrastructure Fund (MGIF).
Galileo Green Energy GmbH
Usteristrasse 12
CH8001 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (44) 50563-38
Telefon: +41 (44) 50563-38