Implement IT System Change with Agile Methods and Accompany the Change
Due to the strong further development of the company in the past years, the requirements have changed – among others for the IT core system. In order to meet the ambitious objectives, a large-scale project is being set up that will trigger a transformation in the company at various levels, which will be accompanied by strong change management in the project from the very beginning. In addition, the project is characterised by a high level of employee engagement, an agile to hybrid methodology, a participative approach as well as flexibility to manage the high level of complexity. The common thread besides the strong performance in the project – noventum.
The Münster-based management consultancy noventum consulting has accompanied the project from day one by supporting the initiation and further development of the hybrid project organisation as well as accompanying the change at genua.
genua – Excellence in Digital Security
Founded in 1992, genua GmbH ensures the IT security of digital infrastructures in complex, critical or legally regulated environments. It contributes to the ability to act and the sovereignty of companies and public organisations in a dynamic, networked world. In doing so, it ensures that the opportunities this world offers can be used. Already affiliated as an investment in 2015, genua GmbH has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bundesdruckerei Group since February 2020.
With a strong development of the company, the need for a new solution grows
Significant increases in turnover, growth to over 350 employees, more and larger partners and customers as well as the fast and dynamic developments on the market require high demands on the IT system that supports the operative work on a daily basis. genua GmbH has intensively considered which IT system can meet these demands – the current solution, a further developed version of it, or a completely new solution? It took the answer to this question and the resulting exciting change seriously and designed it with the help of modern characteristics in cooperation. The decision recommended by the project team fell on Microsoft Dynamics 365 – and with it came a challenging and motivating objective!
About an ambitious goal and a large-scale project
The decision to replace the core IT system, which has grown and proven itself over decades, affects a large part of the company and has a strong impact on processes and culture. The management as the client of the project invited all employees to participate from the beginning in order to gather as much expertise as possible and to promote the acceptance of decisions to be made.
A lot has happened since then: Project phase 1 revolved around the decision of whether to replace or further develop the old system, with the decision for an external, replacement system. In project phase 2, the project team worked out which solution and which implementation partner were suitable for genua. In the current 3rd project phase, the implementation of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP and CRM solution is being prepared. The implementation is planned for the remaining project phase 4!
noventum consultant Alina Göbel was involved from the beginning as a sparring partner for the project management. genua employees Katharina Kalchner and Janina Greifenberg are responsible for the hybrid project "Future ERP and CRM" and provide information about the ambitious project in an interview.
Read in the interview on nc360°, the noventum info platform!
- A technical system change means transformation on many levels.
- Participation creates solutions for everyone – the chance to participate and improve things.
- Meeting complexity with conscious flexibility.
- The red thread noventum.
noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.
Founded in 1996 in Münster, today noventum is represented in Münster and Düsseldorf with more than 100 employees. An independent noventum partner company works in Luxembourg.
The managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.
noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern corporate culture.
Customers are DAX companies as well as medium-sized companies and organizations with a large IT infrastructure.
noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
Telefax: +49 (2506) 9302-23
Management Consultant
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0