Experience young talents in action
Through a challenging learning week on a real business problem, the companies can get to know the TUM talents and thus make themselves known at the university. To give SMEs better access to TU Munich and meet their need for engineers, the "1000+" project week offers them the chance to network with TUM. The main aim is for companies and students to get to know each other, introduce themselves to each other and, in the best case scenario, start a professional future together.
The SME leads the project week and works with a team of up to five TUM students on a real (already solved) business problem. The team learns the processes in the company through interviews, workshops and role plays and develops an own solution. This is presented to the SME at the end. The company then presents the actual solution that its employees had previously found. In the discussion, SMEs and students can reflect on the reasons for their solutions.
How both sides should benefit
At the end of the project week, TUM talents can assess their skills and act as multipliers, bringing their experiences with the SME to TUM. The companies, in turn, have gained access to TUM and the TUM talents and can recruit junior staff more actively.
All "1000+" teams will give a presentation at a joint TUM event in March 2024, which will be evaluated. Company partners are invited to participate in order to get to know TUM and its institutions better and to network.
Over 100 students have already signed up for the program. Most of them are Master’s students from the fields of computer science and electrical engineering, 80 percent of whom come from abroad and are very interested in getting to know the German hidden champions. The long-term goal is to place 1000 students with 200 companies.
Interested companies can still register until December 15. Questions can be sent to the e-mail address 1000plus@cit.tum.de.
Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
Bildungscampus 2
74076 Heilbronn
Telefon: +49 (0) 7131 264180
Telefax: +49 (7131) 645636-27
E-Mail: niklas.weinstok@tumheilbronn-ggmbh.de