Explosionproof flashing light FL70db
The explosionproof flashing light, type FL70db, ensures a better control over all important processes and, therefore, a higher availability of installations in hazardous areas and complies with SIL1. The explosionproof flashing lights are a vital component in installations, as these allow advance warning functions that make it possible for the operator to avoid a standstill of the installation.
Über die thuba AG
Hazardous areas in a wide range of process industries need re-liable safety solutions when electrical equipment is in use. Now-adays the food, chemical, petrochemical, printing and power in-dustries, manufacturers of aircraft and machinery, gas and oil producers, refrigeration engineers and other process-oriented companies all rely on certified explosionproof equipment and components manufactured by thuba.
thuba’s core skills are in explosion protection. Our mission is to provide safety – for both assets and personnel – in leading industries throughout the world.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
thuba AG
Stockbrunnenrain 9
CH4123 Allschwill
Telefon: +41 (61) 30780-00
Telefax: +41 (61) 30780-10
Peter Thurnherr
Telefon: +41613078000
E-Mail: peter.thurnherr@thuba.com
Telefon: +41613078000
E-Mail: peter.thurnherr@thuba.com
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