Fahrzeugbau / Automotive

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) support BMW Group’s sustainability efforts with a new component for the BMW 7 Series

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) is proud to celebrate one year since its bio-based engineering polymer, DURABIO™, was first featured on BMW Group’s 7 Series sedan. This sedan, launched in October 2023, displayed DURABIO™ on its kidney grille surround. The distinctive kidney ring surround is characterized by its deep piano black colour and high surface gloss.

With a range of superior properties such as weather, impact, and scratch resistance, DURABIOTM is ideal for high-quality exterior and interior applications, such as radiator grilles, rear spoilers, and various trim strips as well as decorative parts that require a high-gloss finish. Applications made from DURABIOTM are Mold In Color (MIC), so they do not need to be painted or coated. This avoids further production steps and reduces waste and the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) rate during production. BMW Group opted for a piano black finish, but DURABIOTM can also be produced in any other colour.

DURABIO™, the partially bio-based material developed by MCG, is made from the plant-based material "isosorbide". By replacing fossil-based feedstock with renewable raw materials, GHG emissions can be reduced.

“Bio-based materials are gaining increasing interest from Automotive OEMs. And with good reason. Due to the limited availability of recycled feedstock in the European Union, we need to look at flexible options to reduce GHG emissions. Bio-based materials with proven environmental benefits in comparison to fossil feedstock can play a key role in achieving the “Fit for 55” and climate neutral ambitions of the EU”, said Nicole Kambeck, Head of Sustainability EMEA at Mitsubishi Chemical Group.

DURABIOTM has gained the DIN EN16785-1:2015 and ASTM D6866 European/German Biobased certifications. These bio-based certifications support the development and expansion of the bio-based product market, helping to certify claims about bio-based products.

Über die Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH

ABOUT MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL EUROPE GMBH: Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group. The company, with headquarters in Düsseldorf, offers and sells highly developed chemical-based products. The portfolio includes performance polymers, carbon fiber & composites, polyester films, aluminum and metal composite sheets as well as semiconductor solutions for a wide range of industries. In an additional role as regional headquarters for Europe, it promotes the exchange between group companies in Europe and management in Japan. The stem of all activities is to contribute to the KAITEKI corporate philosophy, which strives for sustainability for people, society and the earth. www.mitsubishi-chemical.eu

ABOUT THE MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL GROUP: Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (TSE: 4188) is a specialty materials group with an unwavering commitment to lead with innovative solutions to achieve KAITEKI, the well-being of people and the planet. We bring deep expertise and material science leadership in core market segments such as mobility, digital, medical and food. Together, around 70,000 employees, we enable industry transformation, technology breakthroughs, and longer, more fruitful lives for us all. For further information, please visit our website: https://www.mcgc.com/english/

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Mitsubishi Chemical Europe GmbH
Schiessstraße 47
40549 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 520540
Telefax: +49 (211) 52392-81

Sabine Hill
Senior Manager Communication & PR
E-Mail: sabine.hill@mcgc.com
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