Finanzen / Bilanzen

PCE Instruments acquires long-established company A & P Instruments GmbH

PCE Instruments, a leading provider of modern measurement technology, is pleased to announce the acquisition of the long-established company A & P Instruments. With an impressive company history dating back to 1925, A & P Instruments has always stood for innovation and quality.

The company has established itself as a renowned manufacturer of moisture analysers that are known for their precision and reliability. Annegret Ukena plays a central role in this. She is the granddaughter of August Gronert, who developed the pioneering moisture analyser in 1950 and had a lasting impact on the industry. Mrs Ukena continues this legacy and manages the divisions of technical purchasing, assembly and development with a high level of expertise.

The integration of A & P Instruments into the PCE Instruments product portfolio represents an important strategic step. The highly specialised products ideally complement the existing range and enable us to offer customers even more comprehensive solutions.

Both companies are looking forward to a common future with great confidence. This acquisition creates added value for customers, employees and partners and combines tradition with state-of-the-art technology.

PCE Instruments would like to thank all those involved for their trust and looks forward to continuing the success story of A & P Instruments and setting new standards in measurement technology together.

More information can be found here:

Über die PCE Deutschland GmbH

PCE Deutschland GmbH, based in Meschede-Freienohl in the Sauerland region of Germany, was founded in 1999 by three engineers. With more than 140 employees and locations worldwide, PCE Instruments specialises in the development, manufacture and sale of high-performance, innovative products in the fields of measurement technology, control technology, weighing technology and laboratory technology.

PCE Deutschland GmbH is DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001 certified and manufactures test equipment that is customised to meet specific customer requirements. PCE Instruments supplies to customers in the government, industrial and academic sectors, among others.

PCE Instruments‘ comprehensive range of products and services offers you high precision and flexibility in all applications, as well as outstanding quality and functionality.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

PCE Deutschland GmbH
Im Langel 26
59872 Meschede
Telefon: +49 2903 976 99 0
Telefax: +49 2903 976 9929

Ludger Droste
Telefon: +49 (2903) 9769940
Fax: +49 (2903) 976999940
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