
Robust Plastic Enclosures For Extreme Conditions

The most important property of an enclosure is to protect the electronics inside and to ensure that the device functions properly. But what about when the operating conditions are a bit harsher? Not every plastic enclosure can stand up to operation in a factory or in an extreme environment without suffering some damage. This often requires “robust industrial enclosures” that are specially designed for this purpose and have the necessary technical features.

They should be made of flame-retardant materials and, ideally, include additional UV protection additives. The enclosure design must meet the necessary requirements (robust, impact-resistant) and offer a high IP protection rating against dust and moisture. Of course, one must also consider future installations, with the required internal volume. It must be possible to screw circuit boards firmly in place, and there should be sufficient flat surfaces to fit plugs and cable glands.

OKW‘s product portfolio includes a large number of plastic enclosures up to IP 67, with impact protection up to IK 08. This makes them suitable for a wide variety of applications: whether in HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), machine and plant engineering, measurement and control technology, electrical installation, agriculture or the smart factory – the enclosures are up to the task.

Product Page

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

OKW Odenwälder Kunststoffwerke Gehäusesysteme GmbH
Friedrich-List-Str. 3
74722 Buchen
Telefon: +49 (6281) 404-00
Telefax: +49 (6281) 404-144

Kerstin Riedling
Telefon: +49 6281404123
E-Mail: pr@okw.com
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