Mobile & Verkehr

Opel Grandland with Intelli-Air: Allergy Sufferers Can Breathe Freely

  • GRAND Air: Highly efficient air quality system with automatic air exchange
  • Effective against hay fever: Powerful activated carbon filters stop unwanted particles
  • Correct behaviour: Tips for what to do when pollen levels are high

The new Opel Grandland is not just good – it’s GRAND!” The top-of-the-line SUV delivers precisely what the international #GOGRAND campaign promises. This applies to state-of-the-art technologies as well as comfort and safety. This is particularly important for allergy sufferers most of the year and especially in the coming months: clean air in the interior so occupants can breathe freely and always have a clear view without tears in their eyes. This is ensured by the state-of-the-art Intelli-Air ‘Clean Cabin’ air quality system, which is available for the new Grandland.

The advantages of the interior air quality created by ‘Clean Cabin’ are manifold:

  • It contributes significantly to the well-being of the driver and passengers.
  • Effective cleaning mechanisms prevent annoying itching of the eyes and nose of allergy sufferers and enable all passengers to breathe freely.
  • This increases the safety of all road users.

Intelligent and highly effective: Keeping an eye on interior air quality with Intelli-Air

In the ‘Golden Steering Wheel 2024’1 winning Opel Grandland an intelligent, particularly effective air quality system called Intelli-Air is optionally available. It combines highly effective air and particulate filters with an air quality monitoring system. It continuously controls the state of the interior air, initiating an automatic exchange when the air becomes stale. The air quality is controlled by the position of the recirculation vent. When the exterior air quality is poor, the car’s air quality sensor (AQS) closes the vent so that no pollutants can enter the car’s interior. However, if the interior air is stale or tainted, e.g. through smoking or dust on clothing, the vent opens to supply the passengers with fresher air.

Thanks to Intelli-Air, the interior air of the new Grandland remains as clean as possible. The passengers can even see this for themselves: the system informs them of the air quality via the large colour touchscreen. It displays a car-shaped emoji that is based on the international AQI (Air Quality Index). The colour of the emoji changes according to the standard of the air in the interior. The standard of the air in the passenger compartment is monitored by a PM 2.5 sensor that can detect particulates up to 2.5 micrometre in size.

Doubling up: Active carbon combination filters gases and odours

Intelli-Air ensures good air quality standards in the Grandland in combination with Opel original particulate and activated carbon combination filters, that are also available in many other Opel models. These consist of two layers and can therefore not only keep particles out the interior, but also filter out odours and gases such as ozone. Best of all, pollen is almost 100 per cent eliminated.

The quality of the filters meets the highest standards. The filter material is water-repellent, which prevents it from freezing in winter or becoming home to bacteria. Despite the high filter performance, good air permeability is ensured. The filter should be changed once every 12 months to ensure clean interior air all year round. A filter management system informs the driver when an exchange is necessary.

Ideal behaviour during the pollen season

Everyone can play a part in protecting themselves from a hay fever attack while driving. With high pollen concentration, you should only drive a car with the windows closed and let Intelli-Air and the filters take care of the rest. This also benefits road safety – if drivers have to sneeze more often, the risk of accidents increases. In downtown traffic, for example, a car can travel 20 metres in the time it takes to sneeze; at 100 km/h the driver might not have their eyes on the road for more than 50 metres. It is best to get advice beforehand about the current pollen forecast, for example, from the local weather service.

In addition, motorists should refrain from medication, because the so-called antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Clothes should be taken off in the bathroom, not in the bedroom, and hair washed in the evening so that pollen does not get on the pillow. A rinse with sodium chloride in the morning and evening calms an irritated nose and a damp cloth over the eyes soothes the itching. Furthermore, pollen protection and fine dust grids on windows offer an additional barrier and help keep indoor air clean.

[1] AUTO BILD edition 46/2024 and BILD am SONNTAG edition 45/2024, category ‘Best car under €50,000’.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Opel Automobile GmbH
65423 Rüsselsheim
Telefon: +49 (6142) 7-70
Telefax: +49 (6142) 77-8409

Colin Yong
Communications, Manager International Product
Telefon: +49 (6142) 69-22084
Carina Elsinger
Telefon: +49 (6142) 6927811
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