Forschung und Entwicklung

TRAMACO presents TRAPYLEN® 189 S

TRAMACO is launching TRAPYLEN® 189 S, a newly developed adhesion promoter specially designed for use in printing inks – especially in screen printing. The chlorinated polypropylene impresses with its ECHA-compliant stabilizer and opens up a wide range of application and processing options in plastic coating and solvent-based adhesives.

Product features and advantages

  • High compatibility and very good pigment wetting capacity: TRAPYLEN® 189 S ensures excellent adhesion and at the same time a high gloss level and good weather resistance.
  • Versatile areas of application: In addition to its use as a binder for printing inks (especially screen printing), TRAPYLEN® 189 S can also be used as an adhesion promoter in plastic coatings and solvent-based adhesives (including NR/SBR and polychloroprene-based adhesives).
  • Proven adhesion to polypropylene, PP/EPDM and thermoplastic rubbers: Limited adhesion to polyethylene is also possible.
  • Grease and oil resistance: For higher requirements, TRAPYLEN® 189 S can be combined with other TRAPYLEN® grades with a lower chlorine content.

Processing and application

1. Protection from moisture and sunlight
To ensure the quality of the product, direct sunlight and humidity should be avoided. TRAPYLEN® 189 S is also available in pre-dissolved form if required.

2. Solubility and solution recommendation

  • Soluble in aromatics, ethyl acetate and ketones
  • Insoluble in aliphatics and alcohols
  • Preparation of the solution: First place the solvent in a suitable container. Then add TRAPYLEN® 189 S while stirring (dissolver). The resin dissolves by shearing; the temperature should rise to approx. 60 °C and be maintained for approx. 3 hours. The solids content is then adjusted to the desired concentration with additional solvent and filtered.

3. Additional quantity and further processing
The necessary amount to be added to the main matrix must be determined for each application by appropriate tests.

  • Screen printing varnish: Usual application quantity is 3–4 g/m², drying time approx. 30 seconds at 80 °C.

Technical data

  • Product name: TRAPYLEN® 189 S
  • Chemical character: Chlorinated polypropylene
  • Texture: Brittle, slightly yellow and transparent granules
  • Chlorine content [%]: 36
  • Viscosity (dyn.) (50% in ethyl acetate) [mPas]: 400
Über die ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH

TRAMACO GmbH is a company which produces and supplies chemical foaming agents, primers and additives for the plastic, rubber and coatings industry. An extensive product range comprises established branded products manufactured by TRAMACO like TRACEL®, TRAPUR®, TRAPYLEN®, basic raw materials from strong suppliers and customised products for applications in various industrial sectors. Since its foundation in 1973 TRAMACO GmbH has built up a global distribution and sales network and continues to develop dynamically. A motivated team is at customers’ service during the entire business transaction, from the initial contact to the execution of the order. The qualified consulting concerning technical applications and the development of customised formulas complete TRAMACO’s portfolio, making the company a competent and reliable partner for the industry.

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Telefax: +49 (4101) 706203

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