
Highest Dynamics for Laser Marking and Cleaning in Pocket Size

The industry’s demands for speed in laser marking and coding are increasing at the same rate as the desire for greater productivity in production. The new, compact scan head that SCANLAB is presenting for the first time at the Laser World of Photonics China 2025 trade fair is designed precisely for these demanding applications.

The SCANcube IV 7 is characterized by outstanding dynamics – with write speeds of up to 1840 cps. The wide range of application-specific tuning options allows the system to be used in a wide variety of applications. For applications that require higher laser power, such as laser cleaning, the power compatibility has been increased to up to 300 W.

Both its compactness and the technical design, which allows operation without cooling, simplify integration into a wide range of machine concepts. The scan system also has an integrated read-back function for status values.

The 7 mm aperture completes the SCANcube IV product family, which already includes scan heads with 10 and 14 millimeter apertures.

Über die SCANLAB GmbH

SCANLAB GmbH is a world-leading and independent OEM manufacturer of scanning solutions for deflecting and positioning laser beams in three dimensions. At the company’s headquarters in Puchheim near Munich, around 500 employees strive to ensure continuous innovation and a production capacity of over 40,000 systems every year.

SCANLAB’s high-performance galvanometer scanners, and scan systems stand out from the crowd for their outstanding speed and precision, and are widely used in industrial material processing, electronics, food and beverage industries, as well as in biotechnology and medical technology.

Through groundbreaking developments in the fields of electronics, mechanics, optics and software, as well as the highest quality standards, SCANLAB has consistently extended its international technological lead over 35 years.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Siemensstraße 2a
82178 Puchheim
Telefon: +49 (89) 800746-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 800746-199

Eva Jubitz
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (89) 800746-420
Fax: +49 (89) 800746-199
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