
KLIO: AI-Powered Chat with Source Citation for Businesses

classix, a leading provider of software solutions, today introduces KLIO, an innovative AI-powered chat solution that enables businesses to quickly and specifically access relevant information. KLIO offers interactive, quality-assured information retrieval with direct source citations.

KLIO is characterized by the following features:
• Quality-assured answers with source citations
• Isolated chat environment without the use of third-party providers
• Cloud in Germany (also installable on-premise*)
• Easy integration everywhere
• Best price/performance ratio
*upon provision of AI-capable hardware

With KLIO, companies can easily and naturally chat with documents, user manuals, maintenance instructions, production instructions, and much more.

"KLIO is the intelligent solution for companies that want to access reliable information quickly and easily," says Stefan Brenner, Managing Director of classix. "It has never been easier to convey relevant knowledge so quickly and easily – made possible with AI."

Get started now:…

Über die ClassiX Software GmbH

The Hamburg-based company classix Software GmbH and its products are aimed at decision-makers, users, and developers. We help to build holistic, digital models of companies.

For, it is no longer just a matter of developing functionality for functionality. classix asks the question of commonality to develop apps more efficiently.

Data should be better understood to make AI and natural language processing usable for companies.

The result of classix’s research and development is a powerful and flexible CyberEnterprise® business OS. This means that IT can be used more quickly.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22081 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 5305429-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 5305429-11

Christine Garbers
Telefon: +4940530542942
Sascha Stein
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +4940530542944
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