
Advanced Energy Launches World’s First Off-The-Shelf Convection Cooled CF-Rated Standard Power Supplies

Advanced Energy (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – has announced the NCF150 series of high-isolation, low-leakage current AC-DC power supplies that enable medical equipment designers to meet the cardiac floating (CF) requirements of the IEC 60601-1 medical safety standard using off-the-shelf products.

Type CF is the most stringent medical electrical safety classification and is essential for medical products that may come in direct contact with the heart, including dialysis machines, cardiac-related systems and platforms for electrosurgery. With the launch of its SL Power NCF150 series of CF-rated AC-DC power supplies, Advanced Energy now offers standard, compact products that combine the performance and reliability demanded by complex medical systems with the high isolation voltage and low leakage current essential for CF certification.

“Until now, meeting the needs of the CF classification has required time-consuming and costly modification to traditional power supply,” said Shri Chandrasekharan, Advanced Energy’s senior vice president, Medical Power Products. “Now, with the launch of the NCF150 series, Advanced Energy is helping medical OEMs reduce the system level components required for isolation, minimize overall system size and cost, and speed time-to-market.”

Advanced Energy’s SL NCF150 series delivers maximum output power up to 150 W and offers voltages of 12 V, 15 V, 19 V, 24 V and 48 V. An optional 5 V standby and 12 V fan output are also available. All units in the SL NCF150 series have a patient leakage current below 10 mA, feature EMI Class B, 2 MOPP isolation and 5 kV defibrillator pulse withstand capabilities.

SL NCF150 power supplies accept a universal input of 85 to 264 VAC, operate with a full-load efficiency greater than 90 percent and feature protection against overvoltage, overload, overtemperature and short-circuit conditions as standard. This is the first release of the CF rated family and will be followed by higher power models launching soon.

For more information about Advanced Energy’s SL NCF150 series, visit here.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

LumaSense Technologies GmbH, an Advanced Energy Company
Kelsterbacher Straße 14
65479 Raunheim
Telefon: +49 (6142) 7892800

Shay Malhotra
EMEA Marketing Manager
E-Mail: shay.malhotra@aei.com
Simon Flatt
Grand Bridges Marketing Limited
Telefon: +1 310 529 0321
E-Mail: aei@grandbridges.com
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