Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Starting signal for more renewable raw materials in the plastics industry

The aim of the publicly funded project is to build a strong network with bioeconomy stakeholders. Through a variety of activities, exchange and cooperation on all topics relating to the use of renewable raw materials in plastics are promoted. There is a particular focus on ecological added value and market entry.

“Sustainability is still the topic of the future. It won’t work without it,” says scientist Philipp Wohlfahrt from SKZ, project manager of CREATE. CREATE stands for “Integration of renewable raw materials into value creation networks in the plastics industry through the development of an innovation cluster for the model region of Northern Bavaria and neighboring regions”. The start of the project in February 2025 marks the beginning of SKZ’s collaboration with the three partners Chemiecluster Bayern, C.A.R.M.E.N e.V. and Umweltcluster Bayern to bring together raw material manufacturers, processors, product developers and other players in the value creation cycle in CREATE.

The aim of the network sounds simple: to bring more renewable raw materials into plastics. This is also absolutely necessary in order to escape dependency on fossil raw materials and future-proof the plastics industry. Because even with the targeted recycling rates, some new material will always be needed in the future, most of which still comes from fossil resources. The aim of a bio-based circular economy is to obtain as much of this virgin material as possible from renewable raw materials.

There is already a lot of research and good concepts on the subject, but these do not always make it into application. Catching up with the technological lead in the development of conventional polymers and materials is not always easy. “The more complex the problem, the more collaboration is needed,” says Wohlfahrt, ”and that’s where CREATE comes in.”

The CREATE network offers a wide range of activities: In addition to regular network meetings and specialist conferences, various digital offerings are also being planned. These include a technology platform where companies can present their options, a sustainability information system and an impact assessment tool to estimate the ecological advantages or disadvantages of bio-based solutions as easily as possible. In addition, CREATE offers specialist forums in which experts and interested parties can take an in-depth look at five subject areas under scientific guidance. It is up to the companies themselves to decide exactly what these are.

The economic analysis of the bio-based market is also part of the project. “This is because the long-term market success of sustainable products results from increasing demand, promoted by targeted marketing strategies and optimized by market studies,” says Daniel Berki-Kiss, consultant for material use at C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V.
In addition to the project content, the main topic of the kick-off was the first step: to bring together all companies in the industry, regardless of how they are involved in the use of renewable raw materials. Whether it’s the work of the specialist forums, the study results, the exclusive networking event or access to the online functions: there’s something for everyone at CREATE. Jonathan Lambers from SKZ agrees: “We want to offer companies real added value. But a network is only as strong as its members. The participation of each individual counts”

You can find more information about CREATE here.

Interested companies can now register free of charge and without obligation to stay informed.

The SKZ is climate protection company and a member of the Zuse Association. This is an association of independent, industry-related research institutions that pursue the goal of improving the performance and competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, through innovation and networking.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

FSKZ e. V.
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

Philipp Wohlfahrt
Scientist | Transformation of the plastics industry Würzburg
Telefon: +49 (931) 4104-111
E-Mail: p.wohlfahrt@skz.de
Pia Lehnfeld
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 931 4104-197
E-Mail: p.lehnfeld@skz.de
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