From the editing suite to social media channels
Helmut4 is a software solution that manages projects, templates, preferences and profiles in Adobe Premiere Pro while also coordinating project-related assets. Workstation-specific presets are controlled in the background while complex processes are individualised and standardised to meet each user’s needs.
ORF uses the social media management tool to publish video content on channels such as Facebook and Instagram. The editorial teams use to easily and collaboratively coordinate all social media activities.
The requirement
As the world of social media is extremely fast-moving, video content produced specifically for these channels quickly becomes out of date. With this in mind, ORF has been looking for ways to accelerate the process of publishing completed video content.
The solution
Both and Helmut4 have the necessary APIs to enable integration. MoovIT created a linking node for ORF in Helmut’s workflow builder, known as the ‘Streams Engine’, to establish the connection between the two tools. The module ensures that video content is always delivered in exactly the right format (resolution, codecs, aspect ratio, etc.) for each social media platform.
The implementation
During the ongoing pilot phase, ORF is initially implementing this integration for Facebook and Instagram. Thanks to the integration of both tools, ORF is able to upload video content from the editing suite – in other words, from Adobe Premiere Pro – directly into for posting on social media channels. ORF’s social media editors can then fine-tune the accompanying text, links and other details within before publishing the content once it has been approved for use.
Time-consuming intermediate steps are automated by Helmut4, completely eliminating potential sources of error that could arise during intermediate storage, such as with format selections.
At the same time, Helmut4 enables the import and export of web-based video content directly into and out of Adobe Premiere Pro – opening up entirely new creative possibilities.
The benefits at a glance
– Accelerated publication of videos on social media
– Fine-tuning and approvals by the editorial team
– Channel-specific requirements are taken into account, e.g. codecs, maximum video duration, etc.
– No need for intermediate storage
– Structuring of paths and storage locations
– Avoid operating errors and accidental deletions
“The integration of Helmut4 and greatly simplifies the job of our social media teams. Videos can be uploaded directly from Helmut4 to for publication on Facebook or Instagram – without any steps in between.”
Sebastian Blaha
Technical director of the editing department at ORF
MoovIT provides video and IT solutions for broadcasters and organisations of all shapes and sizes.
The company, headquartered in the Schanzenviertel district of Cologne, specialises in the development and support of workflows for all aspects of post-production, news and archiving at the interface between video and IT. MoovIT leverages particular expertise in the field of technical solutions for sports reporting. In addition, the company develops web-to-video solutions, localisations, remote editing systems and video hosting products used by organisations across a highly diverse range of industries.
MoovIT’s customers include broadcasters, production companies, sport event organisers, agencies, and enterprises from a wide range of backgrounds.
In short, MoovIT is the perfect partner for worldwide support, managed services, software, hardware and integration solutions that accelerate and streamline processes – what we call WORKFLOW IN THE FLOW.
MoovIT GmbH
Schanzenstr. 29
51063 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 30200210
Telefax: +49 (221) 30200299