Never Change a Running System – But Improving it is Always an Option!
We have been working with OPPM since 2003 and continuously collecting requirements and enhancement requests from our customers and end-users in relation to what could be done better, easier or just more user-friendly within OPPM. Some of these requests have been addressed from Oracle directly over the years, others have been postponed. To ensure our customers‘ satisfaction we created this OPPM add-on which is available as of today. The main reasons for this add-on and the key features are:
- OPPM is a tool for power users and expert portfolio managers. Very often „normal“ end-users are overwhelmed by the amount of menus and submenus and have trouble navigating through the system. To improve the user-friendliness, we introduced a lean user-interface which can be accessed via all mobile devices.
- An extremely flexible tabular view ensures that „light“ users are happy to see all their relevant projects, portfolios and investments at a glance. The same overviews allows power portfolio managers to analyze the data in detail via groupings, filtering and ad-hoc reporting, far beyond what is currently possible in OPPM.
- In addition to OPPM we offer a multi-project Gantt and resource capacity view. This is extremely valuable for companies which do not want to implement a universal project management solution, but still want to get transparency about their current resource demands and capacity at a project or portfolio level.
- Frequently we are asked about a time-recording, time-reporting or timesheet option in OPPM. We therefore decided to provide a module that allows time-tracking at project level in our add-on. This is module is ideal if there is no company-wide recording system in place but you still need information about how much effort was spent on all projects or portfolios. This lean time-reporting option is easily rolled-out and can be accessed by users on the go.
- To enhance reporting and dashboards we integrated MS Power BI into the add-on. You are now able to visualize, export and analyze your complete OPPM data in any format that you require.
- And of course we ensured that multi-language functionality is supported for our international customers.
Die adensio GmbH ist eine Unternehmensberatung mit Schwerpunkt Projekt- und Portfoliomanagement. Mit den Erfolgsfaktoren MENSCHEN | METHODEN | PROZESSEN | SOFTWARE begleiten wir unsere Kunden ganzheitlich bei der Implementierung von strategischen und operativen Projektportfolio Prozessen und sorgen für eine nachhaltige und moderne Projektkultur.
Projekte erfolgreich Managen ist unsere Passion: Strategisches und operatives PPM, Lean PPM, Agiles PPM, Antizipatives PPM sind die Methoden von Heute und der Wettbewerbsvorteil der Zukunft.
adensio GmbH
Alter Weg 20
79112 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (7664) 92736-0
Telefax: +49 (7664) 92736-99
Telefon: +49 (7664) 92736-0