The sauna of the future
KLAFS is not only well placed to serve today’s demand for clever, sustainable and space-saving products, but actually brings these characteristics together as part of its innovations.
Small: with living space at a premium in cities, many people are now getting by in smaller homes. KLAFS has responded to this societal change by starting a small revolution with the S1 sauna. Small is to be taken literally: with its tiny footprint, the S1 sauna paves the way for sauna experiences in rooms where they wouldn’t previously have been possible. It expands from the size of a wall cabinet to that of a fully functional sauna in no time.
Smart: in addition to the S1 sauna, which is not only small but also especially smart thanks to the patented eMove technology, which allows the three elements of the sauna to be retracted into each other simultaneously, KLAFS also offers other innovative highlights, such as the KLAFS sauna controls. These controls offer Wi-Fi connectivity, are compatible with Alexa voice control, and remember the last configured programme. With its slender, floating design, the 7-inch graphical touchscreen provides particularly elegant and intuitive operation.
Sustainable: KLAFS has been making sustainable use of natural resources for many years and has long since incorporated the growing focus on green issues as a prerequisite for its everyday work. The global market leader works to ensure that having a sauna is a sustainable wellness experience – and that it will continue to be in the future. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of the world and doing something good for your health – with innovative energy-saving concepts, you can enjoy these wellness moments with a clear conscience.
Simple: this is another key trend of the modern era. The aim is for the products of tomorrow to be not only flexible and intuitive, but also particularly straightforward – like the installation of the EASY sauna from KLAFS. This do-it-yourself sauna can be installed at home easily without the help of a professional – and is the perfect sauna for people with a flexible, urban lifestyle who still enjoy the finer things in life. And the best thing about it is that many of the EASY and S1 sauna models operate on a 230V mains connection.
Self-care: more and more people are starting to focus on their own wellbeing. Healthy living, a balanced diet, restful sleep, and sporting activities are all trends that are good for the body. Regular sauna use is another key element of a healthy lifestyle. Many people are persuaded of the benefits of having a sauna in their own home, not just because of the positive effects on the body – on the immune system, for example – but also as a way of reducing stress. Enjoying a sauna after a stressful day is a uniquely relaxing experience.
For more information, please contact:
Erich-Klafs-Straße 1–3, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Call +49 (0)791 501-418 or visit us online at www.klafs.de.
Image source: KLAFS GmbH & Co. KG | Reprints free of charge provided that the image source is mentioned.
Schon seit 1928 schafft KLAFS Orte der Entspannung für Körper und Geist. Und schafft es dabei immer wieder, den Markt mit wegweisenden Innovationen zu überraschen – so wie aktuell mit der Raumsparsauna KLAFS S1 (https://www.klafs.de/sauna/sauna-s1.html), die sich auf Knopfdruck innerhalb von 20 Sekunden von der Größe eines Wandschranks zur voll funktionsfähigen Sauna verwandelt.
Durch diese Innovationskraft avancierte die KLAFS GmbH & Co. KG vom einst kleinen Familienunternehmen zum weltweit agierenden Branchenführer. Heute arbeiten mehr als 750 Mitarbeiter daran, die steigenden Ansprüche der Kunden zu erfüllen – und zu übertreffen. Vom kleinen privaten Saunatraum bis hin zum luxuriösen Hotel-Spa. Und das auf der ganzen Welt, mit kompetenter Beratung durch sorgfältig geschulte Fachberater und einem Vor-Ort-Service durch erfahrene Serviceteams.
Um seinen Ruf als Trendsetter der Sauna, Pool- und Spa-Branche immer wieder zu untermauern, investiert das Unternehmen außerdem viel in die Themen Forschung und Entwicklung.
Klafs GmbH & Co. KG
Erich-Klafs-Straße 1-3
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Telefon: +49 (791) 501-0
Telefax: +49 (791) 501-248
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