ENGST – release new single/video ‚Schlechtes Gewissen‘ from the upcoming album »Schöne neue Welt«
With ‚Schlechtes Gewissen‘ ENGST once again prove how changeable the band in their sound is, but also in the visual implementation of their music. The four Berliners have never been seen so gloomy and on the verge of morbid.
Matthias Engst says: “The song shows that humans have more than just a face and that evil can lurk in each of us. We deliberately worked with a provocative interplay of an almost happy disco beat sound and deep black text to support the message."
"We are particularly proud of the video because it was shot completely independently and is a small homage to great film classics such as Psycho and Silence of the Lambs."
Video and song are so completely different than you would have expected and thus exactly what ENGST promise again and again …
Watch the music video for ‚Schlechtes Gewissen‚ now: https://youtu.be/04rYepes0YI
Stream, Purchase ‚Schlecht Gewissen‚ now: https://ENGST.lnk.to/…
Their eagerly awaited second album »Schöne neue Welt« will be released on 30th of October 2020 via Arising Empire.
ENGST are ready to continue what they started with their successful debut album »Flächenbrand« and are thus not only rewarding themselves for years of hard work and stamina, but also all fans who have already discovered the potential of the Berlin band as support act for renowned bands like MASSENDEFEKT, BETONTOD and ROGERS. The album consists of a perfect combination of Matthias‚ gripping voice, overwhelming hooks and tearing guitars. One thing is clear: As soon as ENGST show up, the demolition is for sure!
Pre-order the upcoming sophomore album »Schöne neue Welt« here and get your hands on the limited bundles: https://ENGST.lnk.to/…
"I am your guilty conscience.
Don’t be afraid of me I know every one of your lies, every secret, is safe with me. "
Watch the music video for ‚Mein Problem‚ now: https://youtu.be/q7U4lIN10Dg
Stream ‚Mein Problem‚ now: https://ENGST.lnk.to/…
Watch ‚Wieder da‚ here: https://youtu.be/288y0Ci9MoM
Stream ‚Wieder da‚ now: https://ENGST.lnk.to/Wiederda
Consisting of a group of close friends who teamed up around front man Matthias Engst, the band are typical children of Berlin – unmistakable, rough and down-to-earth. And until today, Matthias Engst is living in the capital’s problem district where he has grown up. The experiences he made during his youth, the roughness of the neighborhood and the love for his hometown are main elements in ENGST’s songs that rife with social criticism yet always maintain respect for Matthias‚ origins and roots.
After dealing with time pressure during the writing process of their debut album »Flächenbrand« and finishing some parts only minutes before entering the studio, ENGST finally had the chance to take all the time they needed on »Schöne neue Welt« – the second full-length release that once again captures the contrast between anger and hope, desolation and meaningful friendship, all melted in one captivating musical potpourri. The band concludes:
“We are once again taking a clear stand and there is still so much to stand up against in our society. We take all of it and toss it into their faces…. but still, we wouldn’t be ENGST without friendship, solidarity and love.”
ENGST are:
Matthias Engst | Vocals
Ramin Tehrani | Guitar
Chris Wendel | Bass
Yuri Cernovolov | Drums
More info:
Arising Empire Tonträger Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Oeschstr. 40
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (40) 64690511