TÜV Rheinland: Study on Climatic Rating of PV modules
“Accurately calculating the energy yield of a PV system in kilowatt hours is now the essential key to project implementation,” explains Ulrike Jahn, who is responsible for PV module research and development projects at TÜV Rheinland. “For the industry and its market participants, information about how much energy modules and systems generate in actual operation at specific locations is crucial. Anyone who wants to install a PV system should look very carefully at which conditions affect the yield and to what extent.”
With the study, titled “Climatic Rating of Photovoltaic Modules,” the research group provides an in-depth contribution to assess more accurately the potential energy yield of PV modules in different climatic zones. The authors of the study provide numerous insights, particularly on the key figure of the climatic-specific energy rating (CSER). The CSER goes back to a series of standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). “As TÜV Rheinland, we always work closely with international research partners,” says Jahn. “Applied research is important for us to further develop the testing basis for new technologies. Through such research projects, we offer customers state-of-the-art testing in our global laboratories.”
For more information on the IEA study “Climatic Rating of Photovoltaic Modules”, visit tuv.li/1ecs at TÜV Rheinland.
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