eMobility ChargePlayback – Replay of recorded measurement data
There are now many millions of charging stations in the field. These are from different manufacturers with different hardware and software versions and are also constantly maintained and updated. Likewise, there are countless manufacturers of electric vehicles, with different models, versions, firmware revisions, etc. Testing interoperability is thus becoming more complex and extensive every year. It is not always just the latest versions of electric vehicles and charging stations that are needed to ensure compatibility. For customer satisfaction and the success of e-mobility, every charging station should ideally be compatible with every electric vehicle of all versions.
The eMobility ChargePlayback allows in a fast and cost-effective way to cross-check countless extracted measurement data sets with its products without them being real on site. It can be communicated in two directions:
- Towards EV: When playing back recorded EVSE PLC data, the communication of a charging station previously saved as a log file is sent to the electric vehicle via the comemso EV Charger Analyzer/Simulator. This allows testing how the real EV reacts to the previously recorded charging station.
- Towards EVSE: When playing back recorded EV PLC data, the stored communication of an electric vehicle is sent via comemso EVCA to a real charging station under test to check its behavior.
The data sets are compatible with the extensive EV Charger Analyzer/Simulator product family from comemso. Due to the backward compatibility also older, already archived log files can be used for the measurement data extraction and can be replayed without detours or conversion!
The ChargePlayback function is covered by an existing maintenance contract for a comemso EV Charger Analyzer/Simulator, so there are no additional costs.
Request your personal online demo today. Send an e-mail to sales@comemso.de or call +49 (0) 711-982 98-200.
Test and measurement systems for the development of e-mobility worldwide.
With its products for battery cell simulation and charging system analysis for e-mobility, comemso has been offering stationary and mobile test solutions for manufacturers of battery management systems, electric vehicles and charging stations and their operators since 2009. With its in-house development and test departments as well as in-house manufacturing (laser cutting, engraving, automatic placement machines, wiring, testing, etc.), comemso meets the dynamic and high demands of the e-mobility industry and guarantees short delivery times with the highest quality. Worldwide renowned e-mobility customers trust in comemso products. For more information about comemso, please visit www.comemso.com.
comemso electronics GmbH
Karlsbader Str. 13
73760 Ostfildern
Telefon: +49 (711) 982 98-0
Vertriebsleitung / Produkt-Management
Telefon: 0711 982 98-201
E-Mail: anita.athanasas@comemso.de