Policyholders are changing the future of claims (Webinar | Online)
Data and Artificial Intelligence are transforming the customer experience and historically Insurers have not been known as an effective in using the wide variety of data in their hands.
Thanks to the leading firms in e-commerce today’s customers have higher expectations than ever when it comes to the efficiency and personalisation and insurers claim processes are not exception anymore. While the vast majority of insurance carriers understand the need to improve operational efficiencies, 54 percent have indicated that they are falling behind in reaching the objectives. If you rank among those it is time to take a bold action towards the adoption of claims process digitalisation.
What will you learn:
- How to improve customer experience, handle more claims, and overcome the social distancing measures using Insurance CRM with Chatbot as a self-service tool
- How to speed-up your claims cycle and liquidations to place yourself ahead of your competition with claims automation
- How to implement comprehensive claims functionality, strong integration capabilities and smart workflows and business rules with AdInsure
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 18. März 2021 14:00 – 15:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
BE-terna GmbH
Grabenweg 3a
A6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43 512 362060 0
Telefax: +43 (512) 362060-600
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