FACHPACK 2021: New trade fair concept provides planning certainty
Specifically, the dual-track trade fair concept for FACHPACK will take the following form: Track 1 will focus on FACHPACK 2021 as a physical event with a well-considered hygiene concept and a new digital add-on, so that visitors affected by travel restrictions can still take part in. If necessary due to the pandemic situation, we will switch to Track 2 and offer the packaging sector a purely digital event with new and exciting features. “This means that we are prepared for all eventualities and can guarantee that the packaging community will be able to have its much longed-for gathering at the end of September,” Slotta continues.
Trade fair preparations in hand
The preparations for the trade fair are in full swing. The FACHPACK team is currently preparing for the physical event in the usual way, i.e., planning the configuration of the exhibition halls with the 860 companies currently registered, creating an attractive supporting programme and developing a comprehensive hygiene concept that will allow exhibitors and visitors to participate safely in the event.
New digital features on myFACHPACK platform
At the same time, the team is developing a digital platform called myFACHPACK. which will offer additional benefits for FACHPACK customers such as targeted and spontaneous online matchmaking and networking between exhibitors and visitors even before the trade fair begins. Personalised contact suggestions are made based on exhibitor or product searches and personal interests. In addition, the diverse programme of presentations at the trade fair will be live streamed. On all three days of the fair, the three forums PACKBOX, TECHBOX and INNOVATIONBOX offer keynote speeches, presentations and panel discussions, which will also be available after the event. The product and company information displayed at the physical exhibition stands will be complemented by digital material on the myFACHPACK platform. Exhibitor profiles will be enhanced by new functions such as videos, chats, virtual meeting rooms, talks or presentations. In this way, the benefits of the physical event are fittingly extended by modern digital tools.
Any more questions?
You’ll find further information on our dual-track trade fair concept and digital platform at FACHPACK.de. In a webinar series for exhibitors and other interested parties, the exhibition team will provide regular information about the progress of preparations and further steps. The next webinars will take place on 25 March, 15 April and 4 May 2021. To register, please go to FACHPACK.de. The FACHPACK team at NürnbergMesse will be happy to answer any other questions. Simply contact the team by phone on +49 911 8606-8969 or by email: fachpack@nuernbergmesse.de
FACHPACK (28.–30.9.2021, Nuremberg) is the European trade fair for packaging, technology, and processes, where exhibitors showcase their products for the packaging process chain for industrial and consumer goods. On display will be packaging materials, packaging and accessories, packaging and bottling machinery, labelling, marking and identification technology, machines and equipment for the packaging periphery, packaging printing and finishing systems, palletising technology, intra-logistics and services. With its new slogan: “We create the future”, FACHPACK 2021 will be devoted to the trending topic of “environmentally friendly packaging”. As the No. 1 gathering for the European packaging market, FACHPACK attracts trade visitors from all packaging-intensive sectors like food/drinks, pharmaceuticals/medical technology, cosmetics, chemicals, automotive, and consumer and industrial goods.
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