German-Indonesian cooperation
Cooperation to strengthen bilateral trade
On signing the declaration of interest, the government representative Doddy Rahadi, Head of the Standardisation and Industrial Services Policy Agency, and Elisabeth Winkelmeier-Becker, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, agreed to engage in bilateral dialogue on quality infrastructure. The main aims of the cooperation are to reduce technical barriers to trade and to strengthen product safety and consumer protection.
The memorandum of understanding was signed by Petrus Tedja Hapsoro, Managing Director of PT YPTI, and Christoph Hauck, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Sales Officer at toolcraft. The signing was witnessed by Acep Somantri, the Indonesian Consul General in Frankfurt, and Bernd Krebs, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the founder of toolcraft. This official agreement covers cooperation in the fields of aerospace and medical technology. The two companies will regularly cooperate to drive forward technological innovations and tap into new markets together. They will receive support from various organisations and discuss financing for joint projects. Their cooperation will cover the areas of additive manufacturing (including processes involving the use of powder beds and laser metal deposition) as well as robotics, machining and plastic injection moulding. The two companies also plan to use virtual reality technology to share more knowledge through e-learning. “Besides representing an exciting challenge, this partnership will give us so many brilliant opportunities to cooperate internationally to drive forward developments and innovations,” says Christoph Hauck.
Indonesia has great potential in the aerospace market
Taufiek Bawazier, the Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE) at the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, also welcomes the cooperation between the two companies. He sees great potential in the aerospace market, in particular in the supply chain for product development for N219 aircraft. Automation especially should significantly improve and speed up processes in this area.
The medium-sized family-owned company, located in Georgensgmünd and Spalt, was founded by Bernd Krebs in 1989. toolcraft is a pioneer of forward-looking technologies, such as additive manufacturing and the construction of customised turn-key robotic solutions. As a provider of comprehensive solutions, toolcraft covers the entire process chain, from the initial idea to manufacturing, quality assurance and testing in the areas of CNC machining, additive manufacturing, injection moulding and mould making. Its clients include market leaders in the semiconductors, aerospace, medical technology, optical, special machinery manufacturing, motor sports and automotive industries. Building close working relationships with collaborative partners as well as universities, other institutions of higher education and research centres is an important part of its corporate philosophy.
toolcraft AG
Handelsstraße 1
91166 Georgensgmünd
Telefon: +49 (9172) 6956-0
Telefax: +49 (9172) 6956-560
Telefon: +49 (9172) 6956171
E-Mail: juliarodenbuecher@toolcraft.de