Finanzen / Bilanzen

Dealings in securities by a Director and Prescribed Officers

Sibanye-Stillwater, (Tickers JSE: SSW and NYSE: SBSW – in compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, discloses the following: 

Name: NJ Froneman
Position: Chief Executive Officer (Director)
Company: Sibanye Stillwater
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: Off-market collar hedge over 1 458 096 ordinary shares of the Company with a put strike price of R47.62, call strike price of R100.00 and expires on 28 June 2023.
Transaction Date: 28 June 2021
Number of shares: 1 458 096
Class of Security: Ordinary shares
Market Price per security: R59.52
Total Value: R86 785 873,92
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: On market sale of ADRs
Transaction Date: 29 June 2021
Number of ADRs: 100 000
Class of Security:  ADRS
Market Price per share: $16.6492
Total Value: $1 664 920

Mr Froneman entered into an equity funding arrangement with a financial institution which consisted of a loan agreement securitised by a simultaneous collar hedge and equity lending transaction. 

Name: R van Niekerk
Position: Chief Technical Officer (Prescribed Officer)
Company: Sibanye Stillwater
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: Off-market collar hedge over 873 895 ordinary shares of the Company with a put strike price of R56.63 and R29.81 and a call strike price of R75.30 and expires on 14 October 2022
Transaction Date: 28 June 2021
Number of Options:  873 895
Class of Security: European call options over Sibanye Stillwater ordinary shares
Market Price per security: R59.61
Total Value: R52 092 881

Mr van Niekerk entered into an equity funding arrangement with a financial institution which consisted of a loan agreement securitized by a simultaneous equity lending transaction, for the life of transaction at zero cost. 

Name: RA Stewart
Position: Chief Operating Officer (Prescribed Officer)
Company: Sibanye Stillwater
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: On market sale of shares
Transaction Date:  28 June 2021
Number of shares:  100 000
Class of Security: Ordinary shares
Market Price per share: R60.00
Total Value: R6 000 000
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: On market sale of shares
Transaction Date: 30 June 2021
Number of Shares: 100 000
Class of Security:  Ordinary shares
Market Price per share: R59.00
Total Value: R5 900 000
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: Off-market collar hedge over 325 000 ordinary shares of the Company with a put strike price of R56.27 and R35.54 and a call strike price of R110.58 and expires on 30 June 2023
Transaction Date: 30 June 2021
Number of Options: 325 000
Class of Security:  European call options over Sibanye Stillwater ordinary shares
Market Price per security: R59.23
Total Value: R19 251 765 

Dr Stewart entered into an equity funding arrangement with a financial institution which consisted of a loan agreement securitized by a simultaneous equity lending transaction, for the life of transaction at zero cost. 

Name: TG Nkosi
Position: Chief Social Performance Officer
Company: Sibanye Stillwater Limited
Nature of interest: Direct and Beneficial
Nature of transaction: On market purchase of shares
Transaction Date: 25 June 2021
Number of Shares: 114 897
Class of Security: Ordinary shares
Market Price per share: R60.50
Total Value: R6 951 268,50

In terms of paragraph 3.66 of the Listings Requirements, the necessary clearance to deal in the above securities has been obtained.

Investor relations contact:
James Wellsted
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +27 (0) 83 453 4014

In Europa:
Swiss Resource Capital AG
Jochen Staiger

Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Swiss Resource Capital AG
Poststrasse 1
CH9100 Herisau
Telefon: +41 (71) 354-8501
Telefax: +41 (71) 560-4271

Jochen Staiger
Telefon: +41 (71) 3548501
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