Remote Cell Enables UV Measurement under Harsh Conditions
TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K has introduced a remote cell version of its Rapid Scanning UV Detector kit allowing this elegant OEM technology to be integrated into a wider range of industrial applications.The Remote Cell allows users to separate the measurement cell from the Rapid Scanning UV Detector kit using optical fibers up to 1000 mm long. This innovation enables highly accurate remote UV analysis to be made on process samples even under harsh process conditions that would make direct measurements almost impossible.UV Detectors provide unsurpassed sensitivity and selectivity when used as concentration detectors to measure samples that contain chromophoric functional groups. The Rapid Scanning UV Detector kit combines high sensitivity and excellent linearity over more that 4 orders of magnitude concentration range. The Rapid Scanning UV Detector kit has been designed to make simultaneous detection at two UV wavelengths (or four wavelengths as an option), thereby enabling even complex samples to be reliably characterized.Backed by decades of experience, Testa Analytical has created a range of high-performance liquid chromatography detectors, pumps, accessories and software products customizable to meet your exact needs. Our team of knowledgeable technical and engineering staff are available to discuss your OEM needs and to provide seamless integration of our technology into your existing or new product.For further information on the Rapid Scanning UV Detector kit with remote cell for integration into your process please visit https://oem.testa-analytical.com/remote-cell-request-oem.html or contact Testa Analytical Solutions on +49-30-864-24076 / info@testa-analytical.com.
Über TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K.
TESTA Analytical Solutions is a leading specialist supplier of liquid chromatography instruments and detectors. Drawing upon over 30-years‘ experience, TESTA Analytical Solutions has established itself as a respected creator and supplier of top quality, innovative, high performance chromatography instrument kits and detectors with OEM clients around the world.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
TESTA Analytical Solutions e.K.
Sophienstr. 5
12203 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 864-24076
Dr. Bill Bradbury
Primetek Solutions
Telefon: +44 (20) 85460869
E-Mail: info@primetek-solutions.com
Primetek Solutions
Telefon: +44 (20) 85460869
E-Mail: info@primetek-solutions.com
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