
Prime Computer presents the PrimeMini Slim 2

A core characteristic of Prime Computer products is the absence of fans and other mechanical components. The PrimeMini Slim 2 comes in a sophisticated all-aluminium housing that also serves as a passive heat dissipator. Even under full load, the computer is completely silent. At just 3.7 centimetres high, it is the thinnest mini-PC from Prime Computer with a powerful Intel Core processor.

10th generation Intel i5 processor
The PrimeMini Slim 2 will be available to order with a fast and energy-efficient 10th generation Intel Core i5 processor at launch. Up to 4TB SSD storage and a maximum of 32GB RAM in dual-channel mode can be configured. Optimal connectivity is provided by full-size HDMI and DisplayPort connections, six USB interfaces, Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Prime Computer has developed an ultra-flat VESA mount, especially for the PrimeMini Slim 2. This makes it even easier to place the flat mini-PC.

A 100% climate-neutral mini-PC
Like all Prime Computer products, the PrimeMini Slim 2 is entirely climate-neutral. The low power consumption, excellent reliability and long product life already significantly reduce the carbon footprint. The remaining greenhouse gases generated during production, shipping, the first five years of use and disposal are fully offset by Prime Computer through certified projects. Prime Computer’s five-year product warranty underlines the high reliability and longevity of the product.

Über die Prime Computer AG

Prime Computer is a Swiss company founded to develop and produce IT hardware under economic, social and ecological aspects, focusing on energy efficiency, reliability and longevity. Prime Computer helps companies worldwide achieve their digitalisation and environmental goals while reducing operating costs with intelligently designed mini-PCs and servers.

Out of a conviction for people and nature, Prime Computer contributes with sustainable IT hardware and services to create a world in which energy efficiency and resource-saving are paramount. That is why Prime Computer strives for a truly circular economy with its fanless products. Prime Computer wants to become the brand for sustainable IT solutions with global megatrends, digitalisation, environmentally harmful electronic waste and resource and energy scarcity in mind.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Prime Computer AG
Schachenstrasse 9
CH9016 St. Gallen
Telefon: +41 (71) 5111050

Olivia Imhof
Head of Marketing
Telefon: +41 (71) 5111056
E-Mail: olivia.imhof@primecomputer.ch
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