Play-offs of the AUFGUSS-WM in Germany were a great success
Even though the times were challenging, the event was a completesuccess. Many sauna-enthusiastic guests visited the SATAMA SaunaTheatre to experience well-staged show infusions of up to 15 minutes inlength at 85 °C. The show infusion is a real highlight! Professional infusionmasters perform acts with waving scarves, put on a real show and reallyheat things up. With the help of a rehearsed choreography, theprofessionals tell thrilling stories. They use music, costumes, aromas andlighting effects.
A total of 12 individual participants and nine teams from nine differentnations competed in the play-offs. The Czech Republic, the Netherlands,Poland and Hungary were particularly well represented. Some countrieshad already organised preliminary rounds in advance, in which up to fourtop finishers qualified for the international competitions.
At the Play-Offs in Wendisch Rietz, participants whose victory in the national qualifying rounds was tight had a second chance to prove their skills and qualify for the main event as a latecomer.
In the individual competitions of the Play-Offs, Adam Vári from Hungary (526.60 points) achieved victory with the theme "The Confession- The Trial of A. F. Guss" took the victory. Second place went to Simone Renken from the Netherlands with "Aletta Jacobs" (521 points), closely followed by Marek Homza from Slovakia with 520.40 points. In the team category, Denisa Karpeová and Monika Kuncová from the Czech Republic won the gold medal (526.60). Once again, Poland also qualified for the final in the team competitions: Mateusz Kupiński and Radoslaw Sieraj (499.00 points) finished second, while Karolina Wojtowicz and Joris Volders from Belgium achieved third place (494.00 points). Fourth place went to Szabina Halfinger and Márton Decsi from Hungary with their infusion "Beauty and the Beast" (476.40).
A maximum of 700 points could be achieved in the individual competition and 800 points in the team competition. An international jury of pretrained experts evaluated the professionalism, the heat increase and the waving techniques of the participants. The theme and the story developed by the infusers themselves also play a part in the scoring. In terms of structure, the show infusion resembles a dramaturgy and should have an arc of tension. In addition to the music, the jury also pays attention to the choice of fragrance, which is coordinated with the storyline.
From 6 to 9 September, the top finishers of the play-offs and the winners of the national competitions will fight for the prestigious title of "World Master of Aufguss" at the Palac Saturna in Poland. Tickets can be booked via the Polish sauna website.
The events have been organised by the specially founded AUFGUSSWM association since 2018. The World Show Infusion Championship is the top event in the profession!
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