Iveco Group name and logo usher in the future of new On-Highway player
Representing this reality is its own institutional logo which depicts Iveco Group as the holding company. With a light and understated design, it places the importance on the brands which it houses and pays homage to their rich and shared heritage, clearly delineating a forward trajectory for all of them, together. A name that accounts for the long journey these industrial businesses have come up from, starting in 1975 with the formation of the Industrial VEhicles COrporation.
A unique identity which uses a sober typeface, featuring cuts and inclinations into some of the letters to express the group’s sharp focus. The color grey evokes a sense of stability and a strong industrial DNA, acting as a cue for the humble, yet hardworking way forth for the Company, as it works in earnest determination to achieve its goals. The blue dot between the words “Iveco” and “Group” interrupts the color scheme to signal the future, one that is influenced by sustainable innovation. This circle adds a further element that will serve as a center point and dynamic graphic device, suggesting balance and placing attention on the details in the full logo composition.
Below the logo is the trickle down of the brands spread across one horizon. At the center of the Group are the beacon businesses: IVECO, a pioneering commercial vehicles brand that designs, manufactures and commercializes heavy, medium and light duty commercial vehicles and FPT Industrial, the core of the Group which powers its sister brands’ products with its advanced engines and transmissions and remains a global leader in providing its vast array of powertrain technologies to customers in agriculture, construction, marine, power generation, and commercial vehicles alike.
Alongside them on the frontline are premium and mass-transit bus and coach brands IVECO BUS and HEULIEZ; Iveco Defence Vehicles for highly-specialized defense and civil protection equipment; ASTRA, a global expert in large scale heavy duty quarry and construction vehicles; the industry-reputed firefighting vehicle and equipment manufacturer Magirus; and finally, but strategically sat at the top of the tail is IVECO CAPITAL, the financing arm of Iveco Group which supports them all. The Financial Services division will in fact serve as the cornerstone of Iveco Group’s new business models, especially in the area of alternative power.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Investitionsgütersektor mit umfassender industrieller Erfahrung, einer breiten Palette von Produkten und weltweiter Präsenz. Jede einzelne Marke des Unternehmens ist in ihrem jeweiligen Industriesektor eine maßgebliche internationale Größe: Case IH, New Holland Agriculture und Steyr bei Traktoren und Landmaschinen; Case und New Holland Construction bei Baumaschinen; Iveco bei Nutzfahrzeugen; Iveco Bus und Heuliez Bus bei Nahverkehrs- und Reisebussen; Iveco Astra bei Steinbruch- und Baufahrzeugen; Magirus bei Feuerwehrfahrzeugen; Iveco Defence Vehicles in den Sparten Verteidigung und Zivilschutz; FPT Industrial bei Motoren und Getrieben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite des Unternehmens: www.cnhindustrial.com
Weitere Informationen unter: www.iveco.de
Für CNH Industrial unter: www.cnhindustrial.com
CNH Industrial Deutschland GmbH
Am Rottland 1
34399 Oberweser
Telefon: +49 (5572) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (5572) 402-41
Iveco Magirus AG
Telefon: +49 (160) 9045-8356
E-Mail: patrick.wanner@iveco.com