New OQEMA warehouse in Son
The new OQEMA warehouse in Son, The Netherlands, was officially inaugurated last Friday, 8 October 2021. Well positioned in the south-east of the Netherlands, it is located between two main Ports (Antwerp and Rotterdam) and the Ruhr area. Peter Overlack and Gunter van Baelen held the opening speeches, afterwards there were drinks and food and the opportunity to have a look at the new location. With the new warehouse and office space, our company can work even more efficiently to support our customers in the best possible way.
Some key facts:
- 3.780m²
- 3.000 pallet places
- 6 loading docs
- 2 PGS 15 halls for ADR class 8 (mainly), 9 and 5.1.
- the major part (Hall 1) is protected with a CO2 fire extension
- installation fire level 1 and another part is at level 3
- mezannine for empty packaging on level 1
- fully compliant to environmental & legislation requirements
- one level dedicated to office space (second level available for extension)
Über die OQEMA AG
The OQEMA Group is one of the leading chemical distributors in Europe with 45 sites in 23 countries. We provide services all along supply chains at the point of contact between chemical manufacturers and chemical processing industries. The OQEMA Group has a dynamic, steadily growing portfolio of industrial and specialised chemicals and over 15,000 products.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Schlossstrasse 39
41352 Korschenbroich / Liedberg
Telefon: +49 (2161) 356-0
Nanni Goebel
Group Director Marketing and Communications
Telefon: +49 (2161) 356126
E-Mail: nanni.goebel@oqema.com
Group Director Marketing and Communications
Telefon: +49 (2161) 356126
E-Mail: nanni.goebel@oqema.com
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