Strong order intake and profit with solid cash flow
The comparison figures presented in this report refer to previous year unless otherwise stated.
- Order intake increased 36% to MSEK 33 023 (24 246), organic growth of 36%
- Revenues increased 12% to MSEK 27 824 (24 849), organic growth of 12%
- Operating profit increased 26% to MSEK 6 000 (4 760), corresponding to a margin of 21.6% (19.2)
─ Adjusted operating profit, excluding items affecting comparability, was MSEK 6 109 (5 021),
corresponding to a margin of 22.0% (20.2) - Profit before tax amounted to MSEK 5 945 (4 696)
- Basic earnings per share were SEK 3.74 (2.98)
- Operating cash flow at MSEK 4 664 (5 143)
- Return on capital employed was 27% (24)
Near-term demand outlook
Atlas Copco expects that the customers’ business activity level will remain high, but weaken compared to the very high
level in the third quarter.
Previous near-term demand outlook (published July 16, 2021):
Atlas Copco expects that the customers’ business activity level will remain at the high current level.
Quarterly and annual financial data in Excel format can be found at:…
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Atlas Copco Deutschland
Langemarckstr. 35
45141 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 21770
Daniel Althoff
Telefon: 46 76 899 9597
Telefon: 46 76 899 9597
Sara Liljedal
Media Relations Manager
Telefon: +46 (72) 144-1038
Media Relations Manager
Telefon: +46 (72) 144-1038
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