be prepared for when everyday life becomes the wilderness!
There is a world beyond wireless and smartphone. It is analogue and apps won’t get you far here. Because here things are about cutting, screwing, rotating and measuring. So be prepared for when everyday life becomes the wilderness. The TOOLINATOR key chain allows you to get on with it, indoors and outdoors. Ten functions from a knife to a small pry bar to a spokes tool. Made of stainless steel and anodised aluminum, in titanium colour and red. Jewel or tool? The TOOLINATOR comes in gold colours and black, so it is particularly elegant and can be spotted anywhere. Nevertheless, it remains a sturdy mini tool.
Mini tool with 10 functions, knife, keyring (wire loop) with carabiner, bottle opener, 3 screwdrivers (2 Phillips, 1 slotted), Allen key (4 sizes), small pry bar, aluminium / stainless steel, Black
- Ideal for everyday use (EDC = Every Day Carry) With 10 functions: pocket knife, keychain (wire loop) with fastener, bottle opener, 3 screwdrivers (2 cross, 1 slot), hex wrench (4 sizes), small chisels, ruler (5 cm) and nipple clamps (spoke tool)
- A real multi-function tool – perfect for keychains thanks to a robust wire mounting cable – designed by the TROIKA Design Werkstatt. Practical for many everyday situations – the mini tool fits easily into your pocket so it’s always close at hand – perfect for leisure activities, hiking, travelling, etc.
What does one give to the modern man today? We constantly have more than 500 selected products in our range. From big to small, technology to design, absolutely trendy to wonderfully sentimental. High-quality, charming and innovative accessories for the modern man, at work or at home. And, not forgetting for today’s woman.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Nisterfeld 11
57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
Telefax: +49 (2662) 9511-92
Lara Kral
E-Mail: l.kral@troika.de
E-Mail: l.kral@troika.de
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