Hervorragende optische und mechanische Eigenschaften
Die Kombination aus einer Display-Helligkeit von 1000 cd/m² und einem Kontrast von 800:1 sorgt für eine hervorragende Ablesbarkeit bei abnehmender Reflexion unter starker Sonneneinstrahlung.
Der Monitor verfügt über DVI-D-/HDMI-Videoschnittstellen und eine Helligkeitsregelung mit Lichtsensor in Abhängigkeit von der Umgebung. Der Monitor ist für eine Betriebstemperatur von -20°C bis 70°C spezifiziert und ist zwischen Glas und Touch sowie zwischen Touch und Display optisch gebondet. Der Betrachtungswinkel ist (O, U, L, R) Typ 85, 85, 85, 85.
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The SemsoTec Group covers the entire value chain for infotainment displays and control units – from prototypes to series production. In addition, another area of expertise is the development and realization of interior & body concepts.
Innovative technologies are individually manufactured and provided according to the wishes and needs of our customers.
In the field of Display & Infotainment SemsoTec offers specific know-how, electronic design and developments specifically designed for the physical characteristics of LCD TFT displays as well as state-of-the-art technologies such as touch, handwriting recognition, foil lamination and optical bonding. These technologies are key factors for high performance levels in demanding areas such as applications that can be read despite strong sunlight. We are specialists in high-quality displays with embedded software and hardware solutions for automotive and industrial applications.
Among other things, our focus is on display-based system solutions with their respective HMI operating concepts, where quality and safety as well as innovative technology and "Made in Germany" are of utmost importance to SemsoTec.
The Interior & Body division has set itself the goal of making mobility faster, lighter and more dynamic. Engineering covers the areas of lightweight vehicle construction, structures and vehicle dynamics.
SemsoTec GmbH Headquarter
Schleißheimer Str. 91
85748 Garching b. München
Telefon: +49 (89) 324904720
Telefax: +49 (89) 324904744
Marketing Manager
E-Mail: oliver.gropp@semsotec.de