The problem inflation and the solution gold
There was similarly high inflation around 40 years ago. The extent to which the relief planned by the German government will help is questionable for many, according to a Postbank survey. The survey also comes to the conclusion that every seventh German has difficulty meeting his or her daily expenses. This is 36 percent more than in January. Salaries and wages cannot keep pace with inflation of 7.3 percent. That makes the European Central Bank’s target of two percent inflation a distant prospect. So, if the government’s measures can only partially help and savings options have been exhausted, savings should be thought about carefully, because they are losing value.
When the signs point to inflation, gold and silver come into play as collateral. In crisis situations, investors flee to the safe haven of gold, and rightly so. And the more who rely on these precious metals, which are available in limited quantities, the greater the demand and thus the price. Gold is an investment that can never lose its value and it offers potential for appreciation. Gold is crisis-proof and at the same time an unbeatable currency. And the major central banks can’t help either, because they don’t seem to want to stand up to inflation. This has already caused criticism from the World Bank. So, get into gold, or with leverage on the gold price, get into gold stocks. Among the promising gold companies are GCM Mining or Revival Gold.
GCM Mining – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwQHXVfmBy4 – produced a total of just over 206,000 ounces of gold in 2021 at its Segovia property in Colombia.
Revival Gold – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp39Z3Q1k00 – is looking after the previously producing Beartrack-Arnett gold project in Idaho. Drilling returned up to twelve grams of gold per ton of rock.
Current corporate information and press releases from GCM Mining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/gcm-mining-corp/ -).
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