»beyond borders« – After 40 Years, LASER COMPONENTS Still Has Its Unbridled Drive for Innovation
For Patrick Paul, as an entrepreneur, the employees play a key role in implementing this vision of the future: »Going »beyond borders« requires people with a special mindset – hands-on personalities with an irrepressible drive to think beyond the standard. At LASER COMPONENTS, this kind of people works not only in the development department but in the sales teams of our individual business units as well. This applies across the boundaries of languages and cultures for all locations. Our customers appreciate this because it puts them on par with our team members. That’s what sets us apart from our competitors.«
Patrick Paul knows that every future is always rooted in the past: »Being a forward-thinking company also means not blindly chasing every trend. For example, when we restructured the group of companies, we made a conscious decision to retain the character of an owner-managed family business. This gives us a great deal of financial independence. We can plan strategically with foresight and do not have to be guided by the short-term profit expectations of stakeholders. At the same time, we can be sure that all the companies in the Group live our corporate values.«
LASER COMPONENTS was founded by Günther Paul as a sales company in 1982. Neither the EU nor the euro existed at that time. It was almost impossible for companies to import components from abroad; we became the reliable partner for imported components. Much has changed since then: The internet has made the world smaller, start-ups have become major players, and last but not least, we have also continued to develop.
However, we have always stayed true to our core business: the production and sale of optical and optoelectronic components.
LASER COMPONENTS has grown over the years. In 1986 the first production facility was opened in Germany; sales branches were founded in France, Great Britain, Sweden, and the U.S.A.; and production facilities were set up in Canada and the U.S.A.
The most important resource in our company’s history is our employees; many a 20-year employee anniversary has already been celebrated. Long-term employment relationships ensure our know-how, and we are convinced that we are on the right track with this tradition!
Laser Components Germany GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching
Telefon: +49 (8142) 2864-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 2864-11
Bereichsleiterin Marketing & PR
Telefon: +49 (8142) 2864-85
Fax: +49 (8142) 2864-11
E-Mail: presse@lasercomponents.com